This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is July 3 2024
Saint Anatolius of Alexandria
Saint Eusebius of Laodicea
Saint Anatolius of Constantinople
Saint Gunthiern
Saint Giuse Nguyen Ðình Uyen
Saint Raymond of Toulouse
Pope Saint Leo II
Saint Ioannes Baptista Zhao Mingxi
Saint Heliodorus of Altinum
Saint Philiphê Phan Van Minh
Saint Petrus Zhao Mingzhen
Blessed Barbara Jeong Sun-Mae
Blessed Andreas Ebersbach
Saint Irenaeus of Chiusi
Saint Germanus of Man
Saint Dathus of Ravenna
Saint Hyacinth of Caesarea
Saint Mennone the Centurian
Saint Firminus of Apsaros
Saint Firmus of Apsaros
Saint Guthagon
Saint Maelmuire O’Gorman
Saint Mucian of Mesia
Saint Byblig
Blessed Gelduin
Blessed Gelduin was a Monk and Abbot of a monastery near Douai, France. He was an extensive correspondent and a good friend of Saint Anselm of Canterbury. He died of natural causes in 1123.
Saint Cillene
Saint Cillene was also known as Killen. He was an Irish monk. In 726 AD, he was elected as an abbot in Iona Abbey in Scotland. In 752 AD he died of natural causes.
Saint Paul of Mesia
St Paul of Mesia was killed with a sword and died as a martyr of the early Church. He was executed for encouraging other martyrs not to lose their faith.
Saint Mark of Mesia
Saint Mark of Mesia was beheaded in Mesia (in modern Spain) and died as a martyr of the early Church for refusing to sacrifice to idols.
Saint Bladus
Saint Bladus was also known as Blade. He was an early bishop on the Isle of Man.
Martyrs of Alexandria
The Martyrs of Alexandria are thirteen Christian companions martyred together in Alexandria, Egypt.
Their names are
- Apricus
- Cyrion
- Eulogius
- Hemerion
- Julian
- Julius
- Justus
- Menelaus
- Orestes
- Porfyrios
- Tryphon
Martyrs of Constantinople
The Martyrs of Constantinople are a group of 24 Christians martyred in the persecutions of Arian emperor Valens in 367 AD in Constantinople.
Their names are
- Acacios
- Amedinos
- Ammonius
- Ammus
- Cerealis
- Cionia
- Cionius
- Cyrianus
- Demetrius
- Eulogius
- Euphemia
- Heliodoros
- Heraclios
- Horestes
- Jocundus
- Julian
- Martyrios
- Menelaeus
- Sestratus
- Strategos
- Thomas
- Timotheos
- Tryphon
Theodotus and Companions
Theodotus and Companions are six Christians who were imprisoned, tortured and beheaded in 110 AD. They died as martyrs together in the persecutions of Trajan. In prison, they were ministered to by Saint Hyacinth.
Their names are
- Asclepiodotus
- Diomedes
- Eulampius
- Golinduchus
- Theodota
- Theodotus
Other Saints of the Day for July 3 2024
- Andreas Ebersbach
- Tirechán

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