Saint of the Day for July 8 2024

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Today is Wednesday, October 16, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is July 8 2024.

Saint Killian

Blessed Giulio of Montevergine

Saint Sunniva of Bergen

Martyrs of Shanxi

Saint Edgar the Peaceful

Blessed Pope Eugene III

Saint Pancras of Taormina

Saint Grimbald

Blessed Peter the Hermit

Pope Saint Adrian III

Martyrs of Syrmium

Saint Priscilla the Tent Maker

Saint Aquila the Tent Maker

Blessed Adolf IV of Schauenburg

Saint Ioannes Wu Wenyin

Blessed Mancius Araki Kyuzaburo

Saint Colman of Thuringia

Saint Ithier of Nevers

Saint Totnan of Thuringia

aint Procopius of Ceasarea

Saint Ampelius of Milan

Saint Ampelius of Milan was also known as Ampèle or Ampelio

He was the Bishop of Milan, Italy from 665 AD to 672 AD and worked hard to Christianize the invading Lombards. He died of natural causes in the year 672 AD

Saint Morwenna

Saint Morwenna’s relics are apparently buried under the church floor of Morwenstow, Cornwall, England where she is reported to have appeared in visions.

Saint Brogan of Mothil

Saint Brogan of Mothil was also known as Bearchan, Bracan, Broccan or Brochan. He may have been the nephew of Saint Patrick and may have also served as his secretary. He was a 6th or 7th-century scribe and bishop of Mothil, Waterford, Ireland

Abrahamite Monks

The Abrahamite Monks are also known as Martyrs of Constantinople. They were a group of monks in a monastery that was founded by Saint Abraham of Ephesus.

In 835 AD they were martyred in Constantinople in the iconoclast persecutions of emperor Theophilus.

Saint Glyceria of Heraclea

Saint Glyceria of Heraclea was also known as Gliceria. He died as a martyr in Heraclea, Thrace.

Saint Arnold of Arnoldsweiler

Saint Arnold of Arnoldsweiler was noted for his charity to the poor which made the village of Arnoldsweiler, Germany be named after him. He died in the year 800 AD.

Saint Landrada

Saint Landrada died in the year 690 AD after she founded the convent of Munsterbilsen, Belgium and served as its first abbess.

Saint Apollonius of Benevento

Saint Apollonius was the Bishop of Benevento, Italy. He died in the year 326 AD Forced into hiding during the persecutions of Diocletian.

Saint Doucelin

Saint Doucelin was an evangelist and a spiritual student of Saint Martin of Tours. He is the patron saint of Allonnes, Maine-et-Loire, France and Verrains, France

Saint Abraham the Martyr

Saint Abraham was a Bishop and died as a Martyr in 348 AD. His representation is a sword which was the instrument of his execution.

Saint Auspicius of Trier

Saint Auspicius was the Bishop of Trier, Germany. He died in 130 AD.

Saint Auspicius of Toul

Saint Auspicius was the Bishop of Toul, France. He died in 475 AD.

Other Saints of the Day for July 8 2024

• Albert of Genoa
• Anastasius of Ioannina
• Benedict of Alignan
• Disibod of the Rhineland
• Illuminatus of Rieti
• Lorenzo Illuminatore di Farfa
• Nom
• Palmerio of Sardinia
• Peter Vigne

List of Saints Whose Feast Day is July 8 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is July 8 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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