Saint of the Day for November 2 2024

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Today is Saturday, September 28, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is November 2 2024.

👉 All Souls’ Day (Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed)

Blessed John Bodey

Saint Victorinus of Pettau

Blessed Margaret of Lorraine

Blessed Luigi Campidelli

Saint Justus of Trieste

Saint Marcian of Chalcis

Saint Amicus of Rambone

Saint Amicus of Fonte Avellana

Saint Eustochium of Tarsus

Saint Erc of Slane

Saint Theodotus of Laodicea

St Theodotus of Laodicea Bishop of Laodicea now in modern-day Turkey. In 325 AD. he was part of the Council of Nicaea. He supported the orthodox Christianity against Arianism. He died of natural causes in 334 AD.

Saint Jorandus of Kergrist

St Jorandus of Kergrist was a Benedictine monk and hermit at Kergrist, France. He became a hermit at Saint-Juhee monastery at Pedernec, France and died in 1340 AD.

Saint George of Vienne

St George of Vienne was the bishop of Vienne, France from the seventh to the eighth century. He was canonized by Pope Innocent IV in 1251 AD.

Saint Maura of Scotland

St Maura of Scotland was the anchoress in Scotland in the tenth century. She was a nun, an abbess and a spiritual student of Saint Baya of Scotland.

Saint Publius of North Africa

St Publius of North Africa was martyred in North Africa on an unknown date.

Saint Papias of North Africa

Saint Papias of North Africa was martyred in North Africa on an unknown date.

Saint Victor of North Africa

Saint Victor of North Africa was martyred in North Africa on an unknown date.

Saint Ambrose of Agaune

St Ambrose of Agaune was an abbot of the monastery of Agaunum, Switzerland. He died in 523 AD.

Saint Baya of Scotland

St Baya of Scotland was an anchoress in Scotland in the tenth century. She was the spiritual director of Saint Maura of Scotland.

Saint Domninus of Grenoble

St Domninus of Grenoble was the first bishop of Grenoble, France. He died in the 4th century.

Saint Hermes of North Africa

St Hermes died as a martyr in North Africa.

Martyrs of Isfahan

  • Acindynus
  • Anempodistus
  • Aphthonius
  • Elpidephorus
  • Pegasius

Martyrs of Sebaste

  • Agapius
  • Cartherius
  • Eudoxius
  • Styriacus
  • Tobias

Catholic Saint Feast Days in November

Catholic Saint of the Day

List of Saints Whose Feast Day is November 2 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is November 2 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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