Saint of the Day for January 20 2025

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Today is Saturday, March 1, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is January 20 2025.

👉 Pope Saint Fabian, Martyr

Saint Sebastian, Martyr

Saint Eustochia Calafato

Blessed Ursula Haider

Saint Maria Cristina dell’Immacolata Concezione

Blessed Basil Anthony Marie Moreau

Blessed Cyprian Michael Iwene Tansi

Saint Euthymius the Great

Saint Henry of Uppsala

Blessed Francesco Paoli

Saint Wulstan of Worcester

Saint Fechin of Fobhar

Saint Stephen Min Kuk-ka

Blessed Benedict Ricasoli

Blessed Jeroni Fábregas Camí

Saint Ascla of Antinoe

St Ascla of Antinoe was born in Thebes, Egypt. Governor Arrian of Thebaid, Egypt tortured him during the persecutions of Diocletian for publicly proclaiming his faith.

He was drowned in the river Nile with a stone around his neck at Antinoe, Thebaid, Egypt and died as a martyr

Blessed Didier of Thérouanne

Blessed Didier of Thérouanne also known as Desiderius was the bishop of Thérouanne, France and founder of the Cistercian Sainte-Colombe Abbey in Blandecques, France.

He retired later in life and spent his last days in prayer in a Cistercian monastery. He died in 1194 of natural causes.

Saint Molagga of Fermoy

Saint Molagga of Fermoy also known as Molagga of Fulachmhin, Laicin or Molacca was born Irish and was a spiritual student of Saint David of Wales.

He founded Fermoy monastery in Wales and served as its first abbot. He died in 655 AD of natural causes.

Saint Bassus the Senator

Saint Bassus the Senator was the imperial Roman senator. During the persecutions of Diocletian, he was exposed as a Christian.

He was removed from office, arrested, tortured and martyred. His limbs were hacked off and his body was thrown into a pit to bleed to death.

Saint Eusebius the Senator

Saint Eusebius the Senator was the imperial Roman senator. During the persecutions of Diocletian, he was exposed as a Christian and consequently removed from office, arrested, tortured and martyred.

His limbs were hacked off and his body hung up to bleed to death.

Saint Eutyches the Senator

Saint Eutyches the Senator was the imperial Roman senator. During the persecutions of Diocletian, he was exposed as a Christian and consequently removed from office, arrested, tortured and martyred.

His limbs were hacked off and his body hung up to bleed to death.

Saint Neophytus of Nicaea

Saint Neophytus of Nicaea also known as Neofita was martyred at age 15. He died at Nicaea.

Blessed Bernardo of Poncelli

Blessed Bernardo of Poncelli was the commander of Mercedarians in Toulouse, France, making his solemn profession in 1333.

Saint Basilides the Senator

Saint Basilides the Senator was an imperial Roman senator. During the persecutions of Diocletian, he was exposed as a Christian and was consequently removed from office, arrested, tortured and martyred.

Blessed Daniel of Cambron

Blessed Daniel of Cambron was a Cistercian Benedictine monk. He became the abbot of the Cambron Abbey and died in 1232 of natural causes.

Saint Wulfsi

Saint Wulfsi also known as Wulsi was the eleventh-century hermit in the west of England. He was a Spiritual advisor to Saint Wolstan of Worcester.

List of Saints Whose Feast Day is January 20 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is January 20 2025 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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