Saint of the Day for May 11 2024

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Today is Saturday, September 28, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is May 11 2024.

Saint Ignatius of Laconi

Saint Matthêô Lê Van Gam

Saint Francis of Girolamo

Saint Gengulphus of Burgundy

Saint Mamertus of Vienne

Blessed Gjon Koda

Blessed Gregory Celli of Verucchio

Blessed John Rochester

Saint Criotan of Macreddin

Blessed Gautier di Esterp

Blessed James Walworth

Saint Anthimus of Rome

Saint Mozio of Constantinople

Saint Mayeul

Saint Anastasius of Lérida

Blessed Vincent L’Hénoret

Blessed Diego of Saldaña

Blessed Diego of Saldaña lived as mercedarian and brought about the founding of the monastery of Conxo at Santiago de Compostela, Spain. He was devoted to the blessed virgin Mary.

He died in the year 1493 AD in Avila, Spain due to natural causes

Saint Majolus of Cluny

Saint Majolus of Cluny, also known as, Maieul, Majodus or Mayeul was born in the year 906 in Avignon, France and lived as a priest and was also a monk at Cluny Abbey in France, taking the cowl partly to avoid becoming a bishop. He also became Abbott of Cluny and advisor to emperors and popes.

He died in the year 994 AD of natural causes.

Saint Tudy

Saint Tudy, also known as, Tegwin, Thetgo, Tudec, Tudinus or Tudi was born in Brittany, France and was a spiritual student of Saint Brioc.

He was also a monk, a hermit and a missionary in Brittany and Cornwall. He became the Abbot at Landevennec, Brittany and brought about the founding of other monasteries.

Blessed Vivaldus

Blessed Vivaldus, also known as, Gualdo or Ubaldo lived as a Franciscan tertiary and a close friend of Blessed Bartholomew Buonpedonito whom he tended to and assisted, in his twenty-year ministry to lepers.

He died in the year 1300 AD due to natural causes and was beatified in the year 1909 by Pope Pius X (cultus confirmed).

Saint Evellius of Pisa

Saint Evellius of Pisa was born in Pisa, Italy and was imperial advisor to emperor Nero. He converted to Christianity after bearing witness to the courage and faith of martyrs after which he left the imperial court and fled to Rome, but was captured and murdered as a martyr after being beheaded in the year 66 AD in Pisa, Italy.

Saint Walbert of Hainault

Saint Walbert of Hainault, also known as, Vaubert was born in Hainault (in modern Belgium), to the nobility and was married to Saint Bertilia of Thuringia. He later became the father of Saint Waltrude and Saint Aldegundis.

He died in the year 678 AD.

Saint Illuminatus of San Severino

Saint Illuminatus of San Severino was born at San Severino, Marches of Ancona, Italy and lived as a Benedictine monk at San Mariano Abbey, San Severino, Marches of Ancona, Italy. He died in the year 1000 AD.

Saint Possessor of Verdun

Saint Possessor of Verdun was a magistrate in Verdun, France and became Bishop of Verdun in 470 AD. He led his diocese during a period of constant raids by the Franks, Vandals and Goths.

He died in 485 AD.

Saint Fremund of Dunstable

Saint Fremund of Dunstable lived as hermit and was said to have been martyred by pagan Danish invaders in 866 AD and his relics enshrined in Dunstable, England.

Saint Maiulo of Hadrumetum

Saint Maiulo of Hadrumetum, also known as, Maiolo was martyred after being mauled by wild animals in the 3rd century Hadrumetum, Libya

Saint Diocletius of Osimo

Saint Diocletius of Osimo was martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian after being stoned to death in 303 AD in Osimo, Italy.

Saint Florentius of Osimo

Saint Florentius of Osimo was also martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian after being stoned to death in 303 AD in Osimo, Italy.

Saint Maximus of Sabina

Saint Maximus of Sabina was murdered as a martyr in the persecutions of Diocletian in the year 304 AD on the Via Salaria outside Rome, Italy.

Saint Bassus of Sabina

Saint Bassus of Sabina was murdered as a martyr in the persecutions of Diocletian in the year 304 AD on the Via Salaria outside Rome, Italy.

Saint Fabius of Sabina

Saint Fabius of Sabina was also murdered as a martyr in the persecutions of Diocletian in the year 304 AD on the Via Salaria outside Rome, Italy

Saint Sisinius of Osimo

Saint Sisinius of Osimo was killed as a martyr in the persecutions of Diocletian after being stoned to death in 303 in Osimo, Italy.

Blessed Illuminatus

Blessed Illuminatus lived as a Franciscan monk and was a spiritual student of Saint Francis of Assisi. He died in the year 1230 AD due to natural causes.

Saint Principia of Rome

Saint Principia of Rome lived as a nun in Rome, Italy and was a spiritual student of Saint Marcella. She died in the year 420 AD.

Saint Gualberto

Saint Gualberto was born to the Frankish nobility in the early 7th century and was married to Saint Bertilla.

Saint Bertilla

Saint Bertilla was born to the Frankish nobiity in the early 7th century and was married to Saint Gualberto.

Martyrs of Camerino

Theopista, Primitiva, Felice, Evodius, Eufemia, Callisto, Aradius and Anastasius are the names of those famously referred to as the Martyrs of Camerino, who comprised of an imperial Roman official, martyred alongside his wife, their children and servants in the year 251 AD after being beheaded 251 on the Via Lata, outside the east gate of Camerino, Italy. Their relics are situated in Camerino.

Other Saint of the Day for May 11 2024

  • Martyrs of Carcassona
  • Lua of Killaloe
  • Francis Maria of Camporosso
  • Eudald
  • Estelle
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is May 11 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is May 11 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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