Saint of the Day for October 8 2024

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Today is Saturday, October 12, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is October 8 2024.

Saint Simeon Senex

Saint Reparata

Blessed John Adams

Blessed Hugh Canefro

Saint Thaïs the Penitent

Saint Pelagia the Penitent

Blessed Robert Dibdale

Blessed Robert Bickerdike

Blessed John Lowe

Saint Benedicta of Origny-sur-Oise

St Benedicta of Origny-sur-Oise was the daughter of Mathoclus, a pagan imperial Roman senator in the third century AD but she was a Christian.

She became a missionary in Origny-sur-Oise, France. She was captured and tortured by her father to make her abandon Christianity.

She adamantly refused and as a consequence, he beheaded her with an axe and died as a martyr in 262 AD.

Saint Amor of Aquitaine

St Amor of Aquitaine was also known as Amour of Aquitaine. He was a ninth-century hermit in Maastricht, Netherlands, and was born in Aquitaine which is now part of modern France. He founded the convent of Münsterbilsen near Liège, Belgium.

Saint Keyna

St Keyna was also known as Keyne, Cain, Ceinwan or Ceinwen. She was the daughter of St Brychan of Brycheiniog.

She became an anchoress in Cornwall, England in the Fifth century where a church is dedicated to her.

It is believed the town of Keynsham, Somerset, England may have been named in her honour.

Blessed Ragenfreda

Blessed Ragenfreda was also known as Ragenfrida she was a nun. She built a convent with her own funds at Denain, Hainault which is now in modern-day France. She served as its abbess.

Saint Nestor of Thessalonica

St Nestor of Thessalonica was a young man who was martyred in the early 4th century AD in Thessalonica during the persecutions of Diocletian.

There is a late addition to his life history about him being involved in gladiatorial matches as a way to prove something about his faith.

Saint Felix of Como

St Felix of Como was born in the mid-4th century. He was the first bishop of Como, Italy. He was a friend of St Ambrose of Milan and worked together with St Probinus of Como. He died of natural causes in 390 AD.

Saint Triduna

St Triduna was also known as Trallen, Tredwall, or Triduana. She was a consecrated virgin in the Eighth century who worked with St Regulus in Scotland.

She had a shrine that was a centre of devotion and pilgrimage. The shrine was destroyed in 1560 AD during the Scottish Reformation.

Saint Laurentia

St Laurentia was also known as Laurenzia or Lorenza. She was a slave in Ancona, Italy. She converted her mistress, Saint Palatias to Christianity.

In 302 AD, she was martyred in Fermo, Italy during the persecutions of Diocletian.

Saint Palatias

St Palatias was also known as Palazia or Palatia. She was a Lady of Ancona, Italy who was converted to Christianity by her slave, Saint Laurentia.

In 302 AD, she was martyred in Fermo, Italy during the persecutions of Diocletian.

Saint Badilo

St Badilo was a monk at Vezelay, France. He led the work to re-found the abbey after it was destroyed in the 8th century AD during the Moorish and Norman raids. He became the Abbot of Leuze-en-Hainaut, Belgium and died of natural causes in 870 AD.

Saint Peter of Seville

St Peter of Seville was a martyr who is venerated in Seville, Spain. 

Saint Artemon of Laodicia

St Artemon of Laodicia was a priest. In 305 AD, he was burned to death and martyred in Laodicea, Phrygia during the persecutions of Diocletian.

Saint Gratus of Chalons

St Gratus of Chalons was the Bishop of Chalons-sur-Saone, France. He died of natural causes in 652 AD.

Saint Evodius of Rouen

St Evodius of Rouen was the Fifth-century bishop of Rouen, France.

Saint Benedicta of Laon

St Benedicta of Laon was a virgin who died as a martyr in Laon, France.

Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War

These are the names of some of the thousands of people who were murdered from 1934 to 1939, during the anti-Catholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War. 

Their names are;

  • Blessed Ángel Roba Osorno
  • Blessed Anicet Falgueras Casellas
  • Blessed Antoni Badía Andale
  • Blessed Antoni Roig Alembau
  • Blessed Carles Brengaret Pujol
  • Blessed Casimir Riba Pi
  • Blessed Feliciano Ayúcar Eraso
  • Blessed Felipe Ruiz Peña
  • Blessed Félix Ayúcar Eraso
  • Blessed Fermín Latienda Azpilicueta
  • Blessed Ferran Suñer Estrach
  • Blessed Florentino Redondo Insausti
  • Blessed Fortunato Ruiz Peña
  • Blessed Gregorio Faci Molins
  • Blessed Isidro Serrano Fabón
  • Blessed Jaume Morella Bruguera
  • Blessed Jeroni Messegué Ribera
  • Blessed Jesús Menchón Franco
  • Blessed Joan Pelfort Planell
  • Blessed Joan Tubau Perelló
  • Blessed José María Ruano López
  • Blessed José Miguel Elola Arruti
  • Blessed Josep Ambrós Dejuán
  • Blessed Josep Blanch Roca
  • Blessed Josep Cesari Mercadal
  • Blessed Josep Mir Pons
  • Blessed Juan Núñez Casado
  • Blessed Julio García Galarza
  • Blessed Leocadio Rodríguez Nieto
  • Blessed Leoncio Pérez Gómez
  • Blessed Lucio Izquierdo López
  • Blessed Lucio Zudaire Armendía
  • Blessed Mariano Alonso Fuente
  • Blessed Néstor Vivar Valdivieso
  • Blessed Nicolás Pereda Revuelta
  • Blessed Nicolás Ran Goñi
  • Blessed Pedro Ciordia Hernández
  • Blessed Pere Sitges Puig
  • Blessed Ramon Mill Arán
  • Blessed Santiago Saiz Martínez
  • Blessed Santos Escudero Miguel
  • Blessed Segismundo Hidalgo Martínez
  • Blessed Serafín Zugaldía Lacruz
  • Blessed Trifón Lacunza Unzu
  • Blessed Victor Gutiérrez Gómez
  • Blessed Victoriano Gómez Gutiérrez
  • Blessed Victoriano Martínez Martín

Other Saints of the Day for October 8 2024

• Marzio

Catholic Saint of the Day

Catholic Saint Feast Days in October

List of Saints Whose Feast Day is October 8 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is October 8 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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