St Fabian, Pope – Feast Day – January 20 2025

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Today is Tuesday, February 18, 2025

St Fabian, Pope was born in Rome in the late 2nd Century AD and became the Pope and Bishop of Rome on January 10 236 AD.

He was killed on January 20 250 AD and died as a martyr during the persecutions of Decius.

We celebrate his feast day on January 20 every year in the Catholic Church.

St Fabian, Pope Biography
Pope St Fabian - Feast Day - January 20
Pope St Fabian – Feast Day – January 20 2025
Date of Birth Late 2nd Century AD
Place of Birth Italy
Profession Pope and Bishop of Rome
Place of Work Rome, Italy
Date of Death January 20 250 AD
Place of Death Rome, Italy
Feast Day January 20
Canonization Pre-Congregation
Patron Saint of Rome

St Fabian, Pope and Martyr Life History

St Fabian was a citizen and Burgess of Rome, and it happened when the pope died, the people assembled to choose another pope.

St Fabian came to the election to know who should be elected but turned out to be the chosen one.

Anon, a white dove descended from heaven and rested upon his head, and when the people saw that they marvelled much, and all they by common accord chose him to be pope.

This holy man Fabian ordained throughout all the countries, seven deacons, and to them seven sub-deacons, to write the lives of martyrs.

There was a sinful emperor in his time named Philip. He came to the vigil of Easter in the church. During holy communion, the pope drove him away and denied to him the Holy Communion, until he confessed his sins.

Today’s Catholic Quote:

After 14 years of Papacy, Decius the emperor commanded that the Pope be beheaded. He was crowned with the crown of martyrdom in the year of our Lord 250 AD.

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