This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is July 15 2024.
👉 Saint Bonaventure of Bagnoregio, Bishop and Doctor
Feast of the Dispersion of the Apostles
Saint Vladimir I of Kiev
Blessed Ceslas Odrowaz
Saint Abundantia of Spoleto
Saint Terenzio of Luni
Blessed Anne Mary Javouhey
Blessed Bernard of Baden
Saint Jacob of Nisibis
Saint Plechelm of Guelderland
Saint Athanasius of Naples
Saint Evette of Brittany
Saint Anrê Nguyen Kim Thông
Blessed Felicissimo of Mosciano
Saint Felice of Tubzak
Saint Joseph Studita of Thessalonica
Blessed Michel-Bernard Marchand
Saint Abudemius of Bozcaada
Blessed Antoni Beszta-Borowski
Saint Phêrô Nguyen Bá Tuan
Saint Antiochus of Sebaste
Martyred Jesuit Missionaries of Brazil
Blessed Roland of Chezery
Blessed Roland of Chezery was a Benedictine monk at the Abbey of Chézery, diocese of Belley, France.
He was chosen as an abbot in the house in 1170 AD. He was known for his piety and humility, and his deep concern for the spiritual well-being of his fellow monks.
In 1200 AD, he died of natural causes at the Abbey of Chézery, diocese of Belley, France
Saint Valentina of Nevers
In the early 19th century, St Valentina of Nevers’s relics were discovered in the catacombs of Rome, Italy, and were enshrined by the Sisters of Charity of Nevers.
On May 28 1852 she was canonized by Patrizzi, cardinal-vicar of Pope Gregory XVI.
Saint Eberhard of Luzy
St Eberhard of Luzy was also known as Évrard. He was born in the 8th century in Italy to the Italian nobility
He became a Duke but later gave up that life to become a shepherd in Luzy, Haute-Marne, France so that he could have the solitude to live in prayer.
He died of natural causes in Luzy, Haute-Marne, France
Saint Edith of Tamworth
St Edith of Tamworth was the sister of King Athelstan. In 925 AD she married King Sihtric of Northumbria, who was a Viking, at York. A year later she was widowed.
She thereafter became a Benedictine nun at Polesworth, Warwickshire, England, and later became the Abbess of Polesworth. She died in 927 AD.
Saint Gumbert of Ansbach
St Gumbert of Ansbach founded the monastery of Ansbach in Franconia in modern-day Germany on the land around his villa. He retired there to serve as its first abbot.
He died of natural causes in 790 AD.
Saint David of Sweden
St David of Sweden was also known as David of Vasteras. He was born in the 10th-century to the English nobility.
He became a Benedictine monk and the Abbot of a monastery in Sweden. He worked together with Saint Sigfried.
Saint Apronia
St Apronia was also known as Evronie. She was born in the 5th century near Trier, Germany.
She was the sister of Saint Aprus of Toul to whom she made her vows as a nun. She died in the 6th century in Troyes, France.
Saint Eternus of Evreux
St Eternus of Evreux was also known as éterne, Aeternus. He was the Bishop of Evreux, France. He died in 660 AD.
Saint Donivald
Saint Donivald was also known as Donald. He was born in the 8th century and was a married layman.
He was a father of nine daughters who were later known as the Nine Maidens. They all lived as hermits in Ogilvy, Scotland.
Blessed Peter Aymillo
Blessed Peter Aymillo was a Mercedarian friar who later became a priest and eventually a Bishop. He died of natural causes in Narbonne, France.
Saint Haruch of Werden
St Haruch was a Benedictine monk who became an abbot and bishop in Werden, Germany. He died in 830 AD.
Saint Adalard the Younger
St Adalard the Younger was a monk at Corbie Abbey. He died in 824 AD.
Saint Benedict of Angers
St Benedict of Angers was the Bishop of Angers, France. He died in 820 AD.
Saint Felix of Pavia
St Felix of Pavia was a Bishop and martyr who died in Pavia, Italy on an unknown date.
Martyrs of Alexandria
The Martyrs of Alexandria are a group of thirteen Christians who were martyred together in the early 4th century AD in Alexandria, Egypt. Ten were children. The Three names are
- Narseus
- Philip
- Zeno
Martyrs of Carthage
Martyrs of Carthage are a group of nine Carthaginian Christians who were martyred together. Their relics are at the Basilica of Fausta at Carthage
Their names are
- Adautto
- Catulinus
- Felice
- Florentius
- Fortunanzian
- Januarius
- Julia
- Justa
- Settimino
Martyrs of Pannonia
Martyrs of Pannonia are the Five 4th-century martyrs killed together.
Their names are
- Agrippinus
- Fortunatus
- Martialis
- Maximus
- Secundinus
Martyrs of Porto Romano
Martyrs of Porto Romano are the three Christians who were martyred in 207 AD in Porto Romano, Italy during the persecutions of Aurelian. Their remains are interred in the catacombs of Pontiani, Italy.
Their names are
- Bonosa
- Eutropius
- Zosima
Other Saints of the Day for July 15 2024
- Regiswide of Lauffen
- Pompilio Maria Pirrotti
- Mother of God of Akhtyrka
- Martyrs of Ratzeburg
- Egino of Augsburg
- David of Munktrop
- Cyriacus of Sebaste
- Cewydd of Wales
- Calogerus
- Bishoy
- Barhadbesaba of Arbela
- Baldwin of Rieti
- Aubrin of Lyon

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