Saint of the Day for November 21 2024

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Today is Saturday, September 28, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is November 21 2024.

👉 Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Our Lady of Quinche

Blessed Clelia Merloni

Blessed Maria Franciszka Siedliska

Saint Maurus of Cesena

Blessed Nicholas Giustiniani

Pope Saint Gelasius I

Saint Maurus of Porec

Saint Agapius of Caesarea

Blessed Eoin O’Mulkern

Blessed Gelasius O’Cullenan

St Honorius of Asta

Saint Hilary of Vulturno

St Hilary of Vulturno was born at Matera, southern Italy. He was a Benedictine monk and an abbot of San Vincenco, Volturno, Italy for 34 years.

He resurrected the monastery as a centre for learning and missions.

He died of natural causes in 1045 AD.

Saint Amelberga of Susteren

St Amelberga of Susteren, also known as Amalburga, Amalia, or Amalberga was born in the early 9th century.

She was a Benedictine nun and an abbess of Susteren Abbey. She died in 900 AD.

Saint Digain

St Digain was also known as Dygain. He was the son of Constantine, a lord and nobility in Cornwall, England in the 5th century.

The village of Llangernyw, Wales is named in his honour.

Saint Rufus of Rome

St Rufus of Rome was a 1st-century Christian greeted by name by Saint Paul the Apostle in the Epistle to the Romans 16:13. He died in 90 AD.

Saint Heliodorus of Pamphylia

St Heliodorus of Pamphylia died in 270 AD at Pamphylia. He was martyred in the persecutions of Aurelian.

Saint Maurus of Verona

St Maurus of Verona was a Bishop of Verona, Italy and died in 600 AD. Late in his life, he retired to become a hermit.

Saint Clement

St Clement was a martyr who was martyred on an unknown date in Rome, Italy.

Saint Demetrius of Ostia

St Demetrius of Ostia died in Ostia, Italy on an unknown date as a martyr.

Saint Celsus

St Celsus was martyred in Rome, Italy, on an unknown date as a martyr.

Saint Honorius of Ostia

St Honorius of Ostia died in Ostia, Italy, on an unknown date as a martyr.

Martyrs of Asta

Martyrs of Asta are the three Spanish-born Christians martyred together for their faith during the persecutions of Diocletian. They died in 300 AD at Asta, Andalusia, Spain.

Their names are;

  • Eutychius
  • Honorius
  • Stephen

Other Saints of the Day for November 21 2024

  • Our Lady of the Impossible
  • Our Lady of Health
  • Mary Mother of the Church
  • Launo of Thouars
  • Columba the Younger
  • Colman Iomramha of Inishmore

Catholic Saint Feast Days in November

Catholic Saint of the Day

List of Saints Whose Feast Day is November 21 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is November 21 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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