Saint of the Day for February 27 2025

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Today is Sunday, September 29, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is February 27 2025.

👉 Saint Gregory of Narek

Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows

Saint Anne Line

Blessed Marie Deluil-Martiny

Sister Mary of Jesus

Blessed Maria Caridad Brader

Blessed Mark Barkworth

Blessed Francinaina Cirer-Carbonell

Blessed Josep Tous Soler

Blessed William Richardson

Saint Honorina

Blessed Roger Filcock

Saint John of Gorze

Saint Baldomerus of Saint Justus

Blessed Luke of Messina

Saint Julian of Alexandria

Blessed Jacques of Valois

Saint Besas of Alexandria

Saint Thalilaeus

Saint Basilios of Constantinople

Saint Basilios of Constantinople also known as Basilios the Confessor or Basil opposed the 8th-century iconoclast decrees of Leo the Isaurian and preserved icons and images in his care.

He was beaten and imprisoned for this work and finally released after Leo’s death. He died in 825 AD of natural causes.

Saint Cronion Eunus

Saint Cronion Eunus also known as Cronion of Alexandria or Chronion was a servant of Saint Julian.

He was scourged, dragged through the city by a camel and burned to death in 249 AD at Alexandria, Egypt. He died a martyr with Saint Julian.

Saint Procopius of Decapolis

Saint Procopius of Decapolis opposed the 8th-century iconoclast decrees of Leo the Isaurian and preserved icons and images in his care.

He was beaten and imprisoned for this work and was finally released after Leo’s death. He died in 825 AD of natural causes.

Saint Alnoth

Saint Alnoth also known as Aelnoth, Alnothus or Alnoto was born a serf. He worked as a cow herd near the monastery of Saint Werburgh at Weedon, Northamptonshire, England.

He became a hermit in the forest near Stowe, England. He died in 700 AD near Stowe, England as a martyr.

Saint Emmanuel of Cremona

Saint Emmanuel of Cremona was the bishop of Cremona, Italy from 1190 to 1195. He may have become a Cistercian monk in later life. He died in 1198 at Adwerth, Frisia in modern Netherlands of natural causes.

Saint Hippolytus of Mount Jura

Saint Hippolytus of Mount Jura was a monk and became abbot of the monastery on Mount Jura in the Lugdunese region of Gaul in modern France. He was also a bishop and died in 770 AD.

Saint Herefrith of Lindsey

Saint Herefrith of Lindsey was the bishop of Lindsey, England. In 869 AD, he was martyred by Danes and his are venerated in Thorney, Cambridgeshire, England.

Saint Comgan

Saint Comgan also known as Cowan was a monk and abbot in Glenthsen, Ireland. He died in 565 AD.

Saint Fortunatus of Rome

Saint Fortunatus of Rome died in Rome, Italy as a martyr.

Saint Alexander of Rome

Saint Alexander of Rome was a martyr.

Saint Antigonus of Rome

Saint Antigonus of Rome was a martyr.

Saint Abundius of Rome

Saint Abundius of Rome was a martyr.

Other Saints of the Day for February 27 2025

  • Ladislas Bathory
  • Jakob of Syria
  • Henrik Willebrorts
  • Eucharius II of Tongeren-Maastricht
  • Elisabeth of Baldrone
  • Dionysius of Africa and companions
  • Asclepius of Syria
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is February 27 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is February 27 2025 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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