St Hippolytus, Priest – Feast Day – August 13 2024

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Today is Saturday, February 15, 2025

St Hippolytus of Rome was born in 170 AD and died in October 235 AD on the Island of Sardinia, Italy.

He was a Christian theologian in the second and third centuries.

It has not yet been identified where he served in leadership, although he is identified as a leader of the Greek-speaking Christians of Rome.

His feast day is celebrated jointly with that of Pope Saint Pontian on August 13 in the Roman Catholic Church.

Saint Hippolytus, Priest Biography
St Hippolytus, Priest - Feast Day - August 13
St Hippolytus, Priest – Feast Day – August 13 2024
Date of Birth 2nd-century
Place of Birth Rome, Italy
Profession Priest and Theologian
Place of Work Rome
Date of Death October 235 AD
Place of Death Island of Sardinia, Italy 
Feast Day August 13
Canonization Pre-Congregation
Patron Saint of
  1. Bibbiena
  2. Italy

Saint Hippolytus, Priest, Life History

In his time, St Hippolytus often came into conflict with the popes by having divergent views on how to deal with converts who had initially denied Jesus Christ during Christian persecution and wished to return back to the Church.

He also differed with Pope Callixtus I when the pope extended absolution to Christians who committed serious sins like adultery.

He led a group that brought divisions to the Church and became a rival to Pope, the bishop of Rome, therefore becoming an antipope.

St Hippolytus was considered as a priest and not a bishop. Before they were exiled to Sardinia in 235 AD, he reconciled with Pope Saint Pontius in Rome because of the numerous disagreement they had due to the schism in the Church. They were exiled together by Emperor Maximinus Thrax when he was persecuting Christians.

Most of the work that Hippolytus wrote has been lost, but some were recovered. He wrote about the ordination rite of a Catholic bishop and also the Eucharistic Prayer of which some portions are used in today’s Eucharistic Prayer II.


On the Island of Sardinia, they were subjected to forced labour in the mines and may have died as martyrs either of hard labour, starvation, or thrashing by the cane.

His body was brought back to Rome under Pope Fabian’s supervision on August 13 and buried by Justin the Confessor in a cemetery on the Via Tiburtina

Saint Hippolytus Feast Day

His feast day is celebrated on August 13 every year in the Catholic Church jointly with that of Pope Saint Pontian.

Saint Hippolytus is the Patron Saint of

  • Bibbiena
  • Italy

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