Saint of the Day for July 27 2024

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Today is Saturday, September 28, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is July 27 2024.

Blessed Maria of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Pope Saint Celestine I

Saint Panteleon

Saint Simeon Stylites

Seven Sleepers of Ephesus

Blessed Nevolo of Faenza

Blessed Joan Romeu y Canadell

Blessed Robert Sutton

Blessed Mary Magdalene Martinengo

Saint Lillian of Cordoba

Blessed Berthold of Garsten

Blessed Modesto Vegas y Vegas

Saint Aurelius of Cordoba

Blessed Joaquín Vilanova Camallonga

Blessed William Davies

Saint Natalia

Blessed Felipe Hernández Martínez

Blessed Maria Klemensa Staszewska

Saint Juliana of Mataró

Blessed Jaime Ortiz Alzueta

Saint Semproniana of Mataró

Saint Galactorio of Lescar

Blessed Lucy Bufalari

Blessed Zacarías Abadía Buesa

Blessed José María Ruiz Cano

Saint Arethas

Saint George of Cordoba

Saint Maurus of Bisceglia

Saint Pantaleimon of Bisceglia

Saint Sergius of Bisceglia

Saint Ecclesius of Ravenna

St Ecclesius was also known as Eclesio Celio. From 521 AD till his death in 532 AD, he was the Bishop of Ravenna, Italy.

He built the Basilica of San Vitale and worked with Pope John I to resist King Theodoric. He died of natural causes in 532 AD.

Saint Felix of Cordoba

St Felix of Cordoba was born in Spain. He was a layman Christian in Moorish-occupied Spain.

He was married to Saint Lillian of Cordoba. It was during the persecutions of Caliph Abderraham II that he was martyred in 852 AD in Cordoba, Spain.

Saint Anthusa of Constantinople

St Anthusa of Constantinople was a Greek-born eighth-century nun. She was tortured and exiled from Constantinople for adamantly refusing to embrace the heresy of iconoclasm.

Saint Hermolaus

St Hermolaus was a priest in Nicomedia, Bithynia, Asia Minor which is now modern-day Izmit, Turkey.

He converted Saint Pantaleon, who was then the imperial physician in his old age. In 305 AD he died as a martyr.

Saint Aetherius of Auxerre

St Aetherius of Auxerre was also known as Etherius of Auxerre.

He was the Bishop of Auxerre, France for 10 years during the sixth century. He died in 573 AD.

Saint Luican

St Luican was also known as Luicain. He is the titular saint of Kill-Luicain parish in County Roscommon, Ireland. 

Saint Hermocrates

St Hermocrates was also known as Thermocrates. He died as a martyr in 305 AD.

Saint Hermippus

Saint Hermippus died as a martyr in 305 AD.

Martyrs of Nicomedia

The Martyrs of Nicomedia are the three Christians who were martyred together in Nicomedia, Asia Minor.

Their names are

  1. Felix
  2. Jucunda
  3. Julia

Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War

These are the names of some of the thousands of people who were murdered from 1934 to 1939, during the anti-Catholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War.

• Blessed Teresa Prats Martí
• Blessed Rosa Jutglar Gallart
• Blessed Reginalda Picas Planas
• Blessed Ramona Perramón Vila
• Blessed Ramona Fossas Románs
• Blessed Pedro Esteban Hernandez
• Blessed Otilia Alonso González
• Blessed Narcis Serra Rovira
• Blessed Josep Bru Boronat
• Blessed José María González Delgado
• Blessed José Ibañez Mayandia
• Blessed José Franco Ruiz
• Blessed Joaquín Puente González
• Blessed Joaquín de La Madrid Arespacochaga
• Blessed Jacinto Gómez Peña
• Blessed Francesc Pujol Espinalt
• Blessed Emilio Puente González
• Blessed Cirilo Illera del Olmo
• Blessed Antoni Tost Llaberia
• Blessed Àngel Maria Rodamilans Canals
• Blessed Adelfa Soro Bó

Other Saints of the Day for July 27 2024

• Ursus of Loches
• Theobald of Marly
• Simeon the Aegean
• Simeon Stylites the Elder
• Sabas of Bulgaria
• Raimondo Zanfogni
• Nahum of Ohrid
• Jacobo Papocchi of Montieri
• Giustina
• Fronimio of Metz
• Erlembald
• Desideratus of Besancon
• Conrad of Ottobeuren
• Congall of Iabnallivin
• Arnold of Lyon
• Anthus of Honoriade
• Angel of Bulgaria
• Andrea Jimenez Galera
• Albert Pandoni

Saints Whose Feast Day is July 27 - Catholic Saint of the Day
Saints Whose Feast Day is July 27 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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