Saint of the Day for November 10 2024

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Today is Saturday, September 28, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is November 10 2024.

👉 Memorial of Saint Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church

Saint Andrew Avellino

Saint Baudolino

Saint Justus of Canterbury

Saint Aedh mac Bricc

Saint Theoctiste of Lesbos

Saint Elaeth the King

Blessed Joaquín Piña Piazuelo

Saint Tryphaena of Iconium

St. Tryphaena of Iconium died in the 1st century at Iconium in Lycaonia ( modern Turkey)

Saint Tryphosa of Iconium

St. Tryphosa of Iconium was a convert. She was mentioned by St. Paul the Apostle in the Letter to the Romans.

Tradition associates her with St. Thecla of Iconium. She died in the 1st century at Iconium in Lycaonia (modern Turkey)

Saint Grellen

St. Grellen was also known as Grellan. He was a missionary in Ireland who was assigned by St. Patrick to build a church at Achadh Fionnabhrach.

King Duach Gallach gave Grellan land for the church after Grellan brought back to life by baptism Duach Gallach’s stillborn son, Eoghan Sriabh.

Saint John of Ratzenburg

St. John of Ratzenburg was also known as John of Saxony. He was born in Scotland. He was a missionary to Germany and a bishop at Ratzenburg in Germany.

He evangelized the Baltic Coast. He was martyred by local pagans who had his hands, feet and then head cut off in 1066 AD.

Saint Orestes of Cappadocia

St. Orestes of Cappadocia was also known as Martyred Sisters Adorers. She was a christian physician martyred in the persecution of Diocletian.

She was tortured to death in 304 AD at Tyana, Cappadocia ( modern Turkey)

Saint Narses of Subagord

St. Narses of Subagord was also known as Narses the Martyr. He was a bishop of Subagord in Persia (modern Iran).

He was martyred with a spiritual student named Joseph in the persecution of Shapur II. He died in 399 AD in Persia.

Saint Probus of Ravenna

St. Probus of Ravenna was born in Rome, Italy and was a bishop of Ravenna in Italy. He was known as a miracle worker. He died in 175 AD due to natural causes and his relics are in the Cathedral of Ravenna in Italy.

Saint Hadelin of Sees

St. Hadelin of Sees was also known as Adelheim of Sees. He was a benedictine monk at Saint-Calais in France.

He was an abbot at Saint-Calais and a bishop of Sees in France for 26 years from 884 AD. He died in 910 AD.

Saint Guerembaldus

St. Guerembaldus was a benedictine monk at Hirschau in Germany. He was elected to the bishopric of Spire in Germany but turned it down citing his own unworthiness. He died in 965 AD due to natural causes.

Saint Eustosius of Antioch

St. Eustosius of Antioch was also known as Eustasius. He was martyred at Antioch in Syria with 22 companions at an unknown date.

Saint Anianus the Deacon

St. Anianus the Deacon was also known as Anian. He was a deacon who was martyred at Antioch in Syria at an unknown date along with 22 companions.

Saint Monitor of Orleans

St. Monitor of Orleans was a bishop of Orleans in France. He supported monastic expansion in his diocese. He died in 490 AD.

Saint Demetrius of Antioch

St. Demetrius of Antioch was a bishop. He was martyred at Antioch in Syria with 22 companions on an unknown date.

Saint Joseph the Martyr

St. Joseph the Martyr was a spiritual student of St. Narses the Martyr. They were martyred together in Persia.

Saint Leo of Melun

St. Leo of Melun was venerated at Melun in France but no details of his life are known.

Saint Nonnus of Heliopolis

St. Nonnus of Heliopolis was a bishop of Heliopolis in 471 AD.

Martyrs of Agde

Martyrs of Agde were a group of Christians who were tortured and martyred together in the persecutions of Diocletian in 303 AD in Agde, France.

Their names are;

  • Florentia
  • Modestus
  • Tiberius

Martyred Sisters Adorers

Martyred Sisters Adorers were 23 nuns, all members of the Sisters Adorers, Handmaids of Charity and of the Blessed Sacrament who were martyred together in the Spanish Civil War.

They died on November 10 1936 in Madrid, Spain. They were Beatified on October 28 2007 by Pope Benedict XVI

Their names are;

  • Blessed Teresa Vives Missé
  • Blessed Sinforosa Díaz Fernández
  • Blessed Rosa López Brochier
  • Blessed Purificación Martínez Vera
  • Blessed Prima de Ipiña Malzárraga
  • Blessed María Zenona Aranzábal de Barrutia
  • Blessed Maria Mercè Tuñi Ustech
  • Blessed María García Ferreiro
  • Blessed María Dolores Monzón Rosales
  • Blessed María Dolores Hernández San Torcuato
  • Blessed Manuela Arriola Uranda
  • Blessed Magdalena Pérez
  • Blessed Luisa Pérez Adriá
  • Blessed Lucía González García
  • Blessed Josepa Boix Rieras
  • Blessed Francisca Pérez de Labeaga García
  • Blessed Felipa Gutierrez Garay
  • Blessed Emilia Echevarría Fernández
  • Blessed Dionisia Rodríguez De Anta
  • Blessed Concepción Vázquez Areas
  • Blessed Cecilia Iglesias del Campo
  • Blessed Belarmina Pérez Martínez
  • Blessed Aurea González

Catholic Saint Feast Days in November

Catholic Saint of the Day

List of Saints Whose Feast Day is November 10 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is November 10 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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