This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is May 6 2024.
Saint John Before the Latin Gate
Saint Francis de Montmorency Laval
Blessed Maria Catalina Troiani
Blessed Bartolomeo Pucci-Franceschi
Saint Petronax of Monte Cassino
Saint Evodius of Antioch
Saint Evodius of Antioch was believed to have been one of the 72 disciples explicitly commissioned by Jesus. He was a priest and later a bishop of Antioch, probably ordained by Saint Peter the Apostle himself.
He worked with Saint Ignatius of Antioch and was said to have been the first person to use the word Christian in his writings.
He passed away as a martyr in the year 69 AD.
Saint Colman Mac Ui Cluasigh of Cork
Saint Colman Mac Ui Cluasigh of Cork was said to have lived as a professor and a prayerful poet in the 7th century in Cork, Ireland.
He was believed to have led his apprentices on a pilgrimage to a small island to save them from a plague that ravaged Ireland in the year 664 AD.
He was said to have died in the 7th century AD.
Saint Benedicta of Rome
Saint Benedicta of Rome, also known as, Benedikta, lived as a nun in Rome, Italy in the 6th century. She was a friend of Saint Galla who had brought about the founding of their monastery.
It was believed that she received a vision from Saint Peter the Apostle warning her of her death. She died due to natural causes in the year 546 AD.
Blessed Peter de Tornamira
Blessed Peter de Tornamira was an evangelizer, a missionary, and a Mercedarian friar at the convent of San Michele del Monte in Zaragoza, Spain.
She brought about the freeing of 212 Christians enslaved by Muslim invaders in Granada, Spain while working with Blessed William Tandi.
Blessed William Tandi
Blessed William Tandi a missionary and a Mercedarian friar at the convent of San Michele del Monte in Zaragoza, Spain.
She brought about the freeing of 212 Christians enslaved by Muslim invaders in Granada, Spain while working with Blessed Peter de Tornamira.
Blessed Prudence Castori
Blessed Prudence Castori was born in Milan, Italy and was an Augustinian nun in the same area of birth. She brought about the founding of an Augustinian convent in Como, Italy and also served as its superior.
She died in 1492 due to natural causes.
Saint Lucius of Cyrene
Saint Lucius of Cyrene, also known as Lukius or Lukios, was said to have been the first bishop of Cyrene, Libya. He is mentioned by Saint Luke the Apostle in the Acts of the Apostles.
Saint Venustus of Africa
Saint Venustus of Africa was believed to have passed away as a martyr alongside 75 other Christians in the persecutions of Diocletian.
He died in the late 3rd century in Africa
Saint Protogenes of Syria
Saint Protogenes of Syria was believed to have lived as priest and later a bishop of Carrhae, Syria in the Fourth century. He was exiled by the Arian Emporer Valens and was recalled under Emperor Theodosius.
Saint Theodotus of Kyrenia
Saint Theodotus of Kyrenia lived as a bishop of Kyrenia, Cyprus. He passed away as a martyr after being imprisoned, tortured and executed in the persecutions of Licinius.
Saint Colman of Loch Echin
Saint Colman of Loch Echin was listed in accounts of martyrs of Tallagh and Donegal and no substantial records of his life survived.
Saint Heliodorus
Saint Heliodorus passed away as a martyr alongside 75 other Christians in the persecutions of Diocletian in the late 3rd century in Africa.
Saint Marianus of Lambesa
Saint Marianus of Lambesa lived as a lector and was believed to have passed away as a martyr after being beheaded in the year 259 AD at Lambesa, North Africa.
Saint Justus of Vienne
Saint Justus of Vienne lived as a bishop of Vienne, France and was believed to have passed away in the year 168 AD due to natural causes.
Saint Venustus of Milan
Saint Venustus of Milan died as a martyr in Milan, Italy during the persecutions of Diocletian.
Saint Acuta
Saint Acuta is remembered as a martyr who was murdered in Milan, Italy.
Other Saint of the Day for May 6 2024
- Pietro I di Tarantasia
- Ponzio de Barellis
- Protogene di Harran

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