Saint of the Day for July 19 2024

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Today is Wednesday, March 19, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is July 19 2024.

Blessed Karol Stepien

Saint Peter Crisci of Foligno

Saint John Plessington

Pope Saint Symmachus

Blessed Józef Puchala

Saint Macrina the Younger

Saint Epaphras of Colosse

Saint Kragon

Saint Ioannes Baptista Zhu Wurui

Saint Simon Qin Chunfu

Blessed Bernhard of Rodez

Saint Arsenius the Great

Saint Elisabeth Qin Bianshi Elisabeth

Blessed Antonio of Valladolid

Saint Michael the Sabaitè

Saint Aurea of Cordoba

Saint Ambrose Autpertus

St Ambrose Autpertus was also known as Ambrose Aut-pert. He was born in France.

As a diplomatic envoy, while in Italy, he visited the monastery of Saint Vincent near Benevento. There he fulfilled his vocation to religious life and became a monk, and later served as its abbot. He died in 778 AD

Saint Romain of Ryazan

St Romain of Ryazan was also known as Romanus. He was the son of the Prince of Ryazan.

In 1270 AD, he was imprisoned, tortured and cut to pieces, joint by joint, until he finally bled to death by pagan Tatars who accused him of insulting their gods. He died as a martyr.

Saint Martin of Trier

Saint Martin of Trier was also known as Martin of Treves. He was the Tenth bishop of Trier, Germany. He died in 210 AD. The records are not very clear whether he died as a martyr.

Saint Daria of Constantinople

St Daria of Constantinople was also known as Daretia. He died as a martyr on an unknown date in Constantinople which is modern-day Istanbul, Turkey.

Blessed Pascasio of Lyon

Blessed Pascasio of Lyon was also known as Pascasio of Lycaonia. He was a Mercedarian friar and later the Bishop of Lycaonia, Asia Minor.

Saint Felix of Verona

St Felix was also known as Felicinus of Verona. He was the bishop of Verona, Italy.

Martyrs of Meros

The Martyrs of Meros were also known as Martyrs of Phrygia. They were three Christians who were tortured together and died as martyrs after being burned to death on an iron grill.

This happened in Meros, Phrygia in modern-day Turkey, during the persecutions of emperor Julian the Apostate and governor Almachio.

Their names are

  • Macedoniuis
  • Tatian
  • Theodule

Other Saints of the Day for July 19 2024

  • Bernold of Utrecht
  • Stilla of Abenberg
  • Stephen del Lupo
  • Diodorus of Milan
  • Dio of Constantinople
Saints Whose Feast Day is July 19 - Catholic Saint of the Day
Saints Whose Feast Day is July 19 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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