Saint of the Day for February 2 2025

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Today is Friday, September 20, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is February 2 2025.

👉 Presentation of the Lord

World Day for Consecrated Life

Saint Catherine del Ricci

Blesssed Maria Katharina Kasper

Blessed Maria Domenica Mantovani

Saint Jean-Théophane Vénard

Blessed Louis Alexander Alphonse Brisson

Blessed Peter Cambiano

Saint Jeanne de Lestonnac

Blessed Stephen Bellesini

Saint Burchard of Wurzburg

Blessed Andrea Carlo Ferrari

Saint Adalbald of Ostrevant

Saint Giovanni Battista Clemente Saggio

Blessed Simon of Cassia Fidati

Saint Lawrence of Canterbury

Martyrs of Ebsdorf

Saint Columbanus of Ghent

Saint Adeloga of Kitzingen

St Adeloga of Kitzingen, also known as Hadeloga of Kitzingen, was a Frankish born princess and died of natural cause in 745 AD.

In addition, she was a Benedictine nun and also a founder the Benedictine convent of Kitzingen in Franconia (part of modern Germany), and served as its first abbess.

Saint Apronian the Executioner

St Apronian the Executioner was beheaded in AD 304 at Ancona, Italy. He was an executioner for imperial Rome and also a witness at the trial of St Sisinnius who was charged with Christianity in the persecutions of Diocletian. Sisinnius’ statement of his faith converted Apronian. He was martyred soon after.

Saint Marquard of Hildesheim

St Marquard of Hildesheim was born in the 9th century and was martyred in 880 AD in a battle at Ebsdorf, Germany.

He was a monk at New Corbey Abbey, Saxony (in modern Germany) and also bishop of Hildesheim, Germany from 874 AD. Additionally, he was one of the Martyrs of Ebsdorf.

Saint Agathodoros of Tyana

St Agathodoros of Tyana died in Tyana, Cappadocia (modern Nigde, Turkey). After publicly announcing his Christianity, Agathodorus was tortured and martyred for his faith.

Saint Theodoric of Ninden

St Theodoric of Ninden was born the 9th century and was martyred in 880 AD in a battle at Ebsdorf, Germany Bishop of Ninden, Germany. He was one of the Martyrs of Ebsdorf.

Saint Saturninus the Martyr

St Saturninus the Martyr was martyred in the early years of Christianity.

Saint Fortunatus the Martyr

St Fortunatus the Martyr, also known as Fortunatus of Rome, died as a martyr and his relics are in Antwerp, Belgium

Saint Rogatus the Martyr

St Rogatus the Martyr was martyred in the early years of Christianity.

Saint Flosculus of Orleans

St Flosculus of Orleans, also known as Flou, died of natural causes in 480 AD. He was a bishop of Orleans, France.

Saint Bruno of Ebsdorf

St Bruno of Ebsdorf was a duke and also a leader of the army that became the Martyrs of Ebsdorf. He died in the battle in 880 AD at Ebsdorf, Germany.

Saint Sicharia of Orléans

St Sicharia of Orléans, also known as Sicaire or Sigeria was a fifth-century nun whose story has not survived.

Saint Victoria the Martyr

St Victoria the Martyr was martyred in the early years of Christianity.

Saint Hilarus the Martyr

St Victoria the Martyr was martyred in the early years of Christianity.

Saint Feock

St Feock may have been an Irish born and there is a church named for her in Cornwall, England.

Saint Mun

St Mun was a fifth-century bishop, ordained by his uncle St Patrick. Late in life, he became a hermit on the island of Lough Ree, Ireland.

Saint Candidus the Martyr

St Candidus the Martyr was a martyr.

Saint Felician the Martyr

St Felician the Martyr was a martyr.

Saint Firmus of Rome

St Firmus of Rome was a martyr.

Other Saints of the Day for February 2 2025

  • Our Lady of Candelaria
  • Nicholas Saggio
  • Bernard Corby
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is February 2 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is February 2 2025 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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