Saint of the Day for April 22 2024

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Today is Thursday, October 3, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is April 22 2024.

Pope Saint Soter

Pope Saint Caius I

Saint Opportuna of Montreuil

Blessed Francis of Fabriano

Saint Epipodius of Lyon

Pope Saint Agapitus I

Saint Leonidas of Alexandria

Saint Theodore of Sykeon

Saint Senorina

Blessed Adalberto of Ostrevant

Saint Euflamia

Saint Virginio

Saint Aceptismas of Hnaita

Saint Aceptismas served as the Bishop of Hnaita in Persia. Despite being over 80 years old, he was subjected to torture and martyred in the persecutions of King Sapor II. He died on October 10, 376 AD in Persia after being beaten to death.

Saint Lucius of Laodicea

Saint Lucius of Laodicea, who converted to Christianity in the first century, is believed to have been one of the 72 disciples selected by Jesus for missionary work.

He served as the Bishop of Laodicea and was mentioned in Saint Paul’s Epistle to the Romans. He was martyred for his faith.

Saint Apelles of Smyrna

Saint Apelles of Smyrna, also called Apellius, was a convert in the first century and later became Bishop of Smyrna.

In the book of Romans, Saint Paul greeted him as someone who had been “approved in Christ.” He died as a martyr.

Saint Joseph of Persia

Saint Joseph of Persia, a priest, suffered martyrdom alongside Saint Acepsimas during the reign of King Shapur II in Persia in 376 AD.

Saint Arwald

Saint Arwald, the son of a prince from the Isle of Wight, was martyred by King Caedwalla, who was a pagan at the time. Arwald was killed the day after his baptism in 686 AD.

Saint Helimenas

Saint Helimenas was a priest who died as a martyr during the invasion of Mesopotamia by Decius. He was beheaded in Babylon around 250 AD.

Saint Maryáhb

Saint Maryáhb was a priest who died as a martyr during the persecutions of Shapur II in Persia in 341 AD.

Saint Leo of Sens

Saint Leo of Sens served as the Bishop of Sens in France for 22 years before dying in the year 541 AD.

Saint Abel McAedh

Saint Abel McAedh was an Irish woman who is venerated as a saint.

Martyrs of Persia

Persian Bishops, priests, deacons, and laity who were killed for their faith are commemorated together. Some of their tales are recounted in the Acta of Saints Abdon and Sennen.

Their names are;

  • Abdiesus the Deacon
  • Tarbula
  • Parmenius
  • Mucius
  • Milles
  • Mareas
  • Lucas
  • Joseph
  • James
  • Helimenas
  • Chrysotelus
  • Bicor
  • Azades the Eunuch
  • Azadanes the Deacon
  • Aithilahas
  • Aceptismas of Hnaita
  • Abrosimus

Other Saints of the Day for April 22 2024

  • Martyrs of Alexandria
  • Stephen of Hungary
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is April 22 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is April 22 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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