St Mateo Correa Magallanes – Feast Day – May 21 2024

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St Mateo Correa Magallanes was a Catholic Priest born on July 23 1866 in Tepechitlán, Zacatecas, Mexico.

He was shot and died as a martyr on February 6 1927 on the outskirts of Durango City, Durango, Mexico during the Cristeros rebellion in Mexico.

He is one of the martyrs of the Cristero War and the Mexican Revolution.

We celebrate his feast day on May 21 every year in the Catholic Church.

Blessed Andrea Gallerani Biography
Date of Birth July 23 1866
Place of Birth Tepechitlán, Zacatecas, Mexico
Profession Catholic Priest
Place of Work Mexico
Date of Death February 6 1927
Place of Death Durango City, Durango, Mexico
Feast Day May 21
Beatification By Pope John Paul II on November 22 1992
Canonization By Pope John Paul II on May 21 2000 during the Jubilee of Mexico
Patron Saint of  

Blessed Andrea Gallerani’s Life History

St Mateo Correa Magallanes, born on July 23, 1866, in Tepechitlán, Zacatecas, Mexico, began his journey by receiving a scholarship to attend the seminary in Zacatecas, Mexico, starting on January 12, 1881.

He was ordained as a priest on August 20, 1893, and served as a parish priest in Concepcion de Oro, Mexico, from 1898 to 2005.

Father Mateo shared a close friendship with the Pro-Juarez family, during which he baptized Humberto Pro and administered the First Communion to Blessed Miguel Pro. He was later relocated to Colotlan, Mexico, from 1908 to 1910.

In 1910, due to the government’s repression of the Church, Father Mateo went into hiding. In 1926, he was assigned to Valparaiso, Mexico.

Tragically, he was arrested while on his way to attend to a sick call, and upon seeing approaching soldiers, he quickly consumed the consecrated host to prevent desecration.

Accused of involvement in the armed Cristero rebellion, he was imprisoned in Zacatecas and later in Durango, Mexico.

While in detention, he continued to hear confessions from other inmates. When the jail’s commander, General Ortiz, demanded information about what the condemned men had confessed, Father Mateo steadfastly refused.

He was martyred on February 6, 1927, on the outskirts of Durango City, Durango, Mexico, for his role as a priest and his unwavering commitment to preserving the sanctity of the confessional.

Saint Mateo Correa Magallanes was venerated on March 7, 1992, with a decree of martyrdom by Pope John Paul II.

He was subsequently beatified on November 22, 1992, and canonized on May 21, 2000, by Pope John Paul II during the Jubilee of Mexico.

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