Saint of the Day for January 18 2025

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Today is Saturday, March 29, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is on January 18 2025.

👉 Saint Prisca of Rome

Saint Margaret of Hungary

Saint Paul of Egypt

Blessed Andrés de Peschiera Grego

Blessed Maria Teresa Fasce

Blessed Christina Ciccarelli

Saint Deicola

Blessed Regina Protmann

Blessed Beatrix of Este the Younger

Blessed Fazzio of Verona

Blessed Félicité Pricet

Blessed Charlotte Lucas

Blessed Monique Pichery

Blessed Victoire Gusteau

Saint Susanna the Martyr

Saint Archelais the Martyr

Saint Thecla the Martyr

Blessed Juan de Laers

Saint Ulfrid of Sweden

Saint Volusian of Tours

Saint Agathius the Martyr

St Agathius the Martyr was one of a group of eight missionaries who worked in eastern Egypt.

They were so successful in evangelization that they were arrested in Eastern Egypt for being “disturbers of public order”, burned at the stake and died as a martyr. Of the eight, only Agathius’s name is available.

Saint Lucius of Carthage

Saint Lucius of Carthage was a bishop in North Africa and he attended the Council of Carthage in 259 AD.

In 259 AD, he was martyred in the persecutions of Decius in Carthage, North Africa in modern Tunis, Tunisia.

Saint Paul of Carthage

Saint Paul of Carthage was a bishop in North Africa and attended the Council of Carthage in 259 AD.

He was martyred in the persecutions of Decius in 259 AD in Carthage, North Africa in modern Tunis, Tunisia.

Saint Success of Carthage

Saint Success of Carthage was a bishop in North Africa and attended the Council of Carthage in 259 AD.

He was martyred in the persecutions of Decius in 259 AD in Carthage, North Africa in modern Tunis, Tunisia.

Saint Ammonius

Saint Ammonius was a soldier. He was arrested with Saint Moseus for the crime of hiring and supporting Christians during the persecutions of Decius.

He was condemned to labour in the mines of Bithynia. He was burned to death in 250 AD and died as a martyr.

Saint Moseus

Saint Moseus was a soldier and was arrested with Saint Ammonius for the crime of hiring and supporting Christians during the persecutions of Decius.

He was condemned to labour in the mines of Bithynia. He was burned to death and died as a martyr.

Saint Melanippus of Nicaea

Saint Melanippus of Nicaea also known as Melanippi, Melanippo, MelanuhfĂ´s or Meliufos died in the Saint Melanippus of Nicaea as a martyr.

Saint Cosconius of Nicaea

Saint Cosconius of Nicaea also known as Cosconi, Cosconio or Cosconium died in the 3rd century AD in Nicaea, Bithynia in modern Turkey.

Saint Athenogenes of Pontus

Saint Athenogenes of Pontus was a priest and a hymnist. He was burned at the stake in 196 AD in Pontus, Asia Minor and died a martyr.

Saint Zeno of Nicaea

Saint Zeno of Nicaea also known as Zenone or Zenonis died in 3rd century Nicaea, Bithynia in modern Turkey as a martyr.

Saint Deno

Saint Zeno of Nicaea also known as Dye had a church near Redruth, Cornwall, England named after him. No information about him has survived.

Saint Catus

Saint Catus was a second-century martyr who died in Numidia.

List of Saints Whose Feast Day is January 18 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is January 18 2025 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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