Saint of the Day for December 8 2024

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Today is Friday, March 14, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is December 8 2024.

👉 Solemnity of The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Saint Noel Chabanel

Saint Narcisa de Jesús Martillo-Morán

Saint Eucharius of Trier

Saint Romaric of Remiremont

Pope Saint Eutychian

Blessed Alojzy Liguda

Saint Thibaud de Marly

Saint Patapius of Constantinople

Blessed Johanna of Cáceres

Blessed Johanna of Cáceres, a Benedictine Cistercian born in 14th-century Spain, devoted her life to the St. Benedict convent in Cáceres, western Spain.

Commencing her monastic journey as a young nun, she remained dedicated to the convent throughout her existence.

In addition to her role as a nun, she served as an abbess. Tragically, she met her demise at the hands of marauding soldiers on December 8, 1383 AD, as she was murdered in front of the convent chapel altar in Cáceres, Spain.

Saint Gunthildis of Ohrdruf

St. Gunthildis of Ohrdruf, alternatively recognized as Cunihilt, Cynehild, Cynehildis, or Gunthild, was a nun originating from Wimborne, England, and died in the year 748 AD.

Responding to the plea of Saint Boniface, she journeyed to Germany where she assumed the role of abbess at a convent in Thuringia.

Notably, she served as an overseer for all the schools established in Germany by English nuns.

Saint Casari of Villeneuve-lès-Avignon

St. Casari of Villeneuve-lès-Avignon, alternatively called Cazarie or Gosaria, died of natural causes in the year 586 AD.

Residing as a hermitess near Avignon, France, near the establishment of Abbey Saint-André-de-Villeneuve, her remains are now enshrined in the said abbey.

Blessed José María Zabal Blasco

Blessed José María Zabal Blasco was born on March 19 1898 in Valencia, Spain, and died on December 8 1936 in Picadero de Paterna, Valencia, Spain.

He was a married layman in the archdiocese of Valencia, Spain, and also martyred in the Spanish Civil War. Pope John Paul II beatified him on March 11 2001.

Blessed Iacobus Gwon Sang-yeon

Blessed Iacobus Gwon Sang-yeon was born in 1751 in Jinsan, Jeolla-do, South Korea, and died on December 8 1791 in Jeonju, Jeolla-do, South Korea.

He was a layman martyr in the apostolic vicariate of Korea. Pope Francis beatified him on August 15 2014.

Blessed Paulus Yun Ji-chung

Blessed Paulus Yun Ji-chung was born in 1759 in Jinsan, Jeolla-do, South Korea, and died on December 8 1791 in Jeonju, Jeolla-do, South Korea.

He was a layman martyr in the apostolic vicariate of Korea. Pope Francis beatified him on August 15 2014.

Saint Macarius of Alexandria

St Macarius of Alexandria was a martyr and he was burned alive in Alexandria, Egypt mid-3rd century.

During the persecutions of Decius, he was dragged before a judge who tried to reason him into rejecting Christianity unfortunately it didn’t work.

Saint Sofronius of Cyprus

St Sofronius of Cyprus may have been a 6th-century bishop in Cyprus, but the records of the period are all lost and all we know for certain is that his name has remained on the calendar.

Saint Anthusa of Africa

St Anthusa of Africa was burned alive in the late 5th century. He was martyred in the persecutions of the Arian Vandal king Hunneric.

Catholic Saint Feast Days in November

Catholic Saint of the Day

List of Saints Whose Feast Day is December 8 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is December 8 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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