Saint of the Day for October 22 2024

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Today is Sunday, March 9, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is October 22 2024.

👉 Pope Saint John Paul II

Saint Abercius Marcellus

Saint Mellon

Saint Alodia of Huesca

Saint Nunilo of Huesca

Blessed Esclaramunda of Majorca

Saint Lupenzius

Saint Moderan of Rennes

Saint Philip of Adrianople

Saint Benedict of Macerac

Saint Symmachus of Capua

Saint Donatus of Fiesoli

Saint Bertharius of Monte Cassino

Saint Hermes of Adrianople

Saint Leothadius of Auch

Saint Cordula

St Cordula was also known as Kordula. She was one of the companions of Saint Ursula.

She hid when she saw the tortures being inflicted on her friends, but she was ashamed of her cowardice, and the following day, she came out of her hide-out and proclaimed her Christianity.

In her group, she was the last to be martyred in 453 AD in Cologne, Germany.

Saint Apollo of Bawit

St Apollo of Bawit was born in 316 AD in Egypt and became a hermit in Thebes in Egypt for 40 years.

Thereafter he became a monk and abbot of Bawit in Hermopolis, a house of 500 monks.

Years later, he opposed the decrees of Julian the Apostate and left the monastic life.

He died of natural causes in 395 AD.

Saint Valerius of Langres

St Valerius of Langres was a deacon in the area of Langres, France in the early Church. He worked with Saint Desiderius of Langres.

On October 22 411, he was beheaded and martyred near Besancon, France by area pagans.

Saint Ingbert

St Ingbert was also known as Ingebert, Ingobert or Ingobertus. He was a hermit near modern Saint Ingbert, Saarland, Germany, a town named in his honour.

In 650 AD, he died of natural causes. His representation is hermit with a cross in front of a cave.

Saint Heraclius the Martyr

St Heraclius the Martyr was a soldier who witnessed the martyrdom of Saint Alexander and companions. He was moved so much that he converted to Christianity and consequently was beheaded and martyred together with them.

Saint Nunctus of Mérida

St Nunctus of Mérida was also known as Nancto, Noint or Nuncto.

He was a monk and an abbot of a monastery near Mérida, Spain. In 668 AD, he was murdered by robbers of his house and died as a martyr.

Saint Philip of Fermo

St Philip was the Bishop of Fermo, Italy. He was martyred in 270 AD in Fermo, Italy during the persecutions of Aurelian. His relics are enshrined in the cathedral of Fermo, Italy.

Saint Alexander the Martyr

St Alexander the Martyr was a missionary bishop in imperial Rome. He was beheaded and martyred when he refused the order to sacrifice to pagan idols.

Saint Maroveus of Precipiano

St Maroveus of Precipiano was a monk at Bobbio, Italy. He founded Precipiano Abbey near Tortona, Italy, and died in 650 AD.

Saint Mark of Jerusalem

St Mark of Jerusalem was the first Gentile bishop of Jerusalem 135 AD, who served for over 20 years. He died as a martyr in 156 AD.

Saint Nepotian of Clermont

St Nepotian was the bishop of Clermont, France in 386 AD. He died in 388 AD.

Saint Verecundus of Verona

St Verecundus was the bishop of Verona, Italy. He died in 522 AD.

Saint Rufus of Egypt

St Rufus of Egypt was an ascetic hermit in the Egyptian desert in the 5th century.

Martyrs of Heraclea

The Martyrs of Heraclea was a group of four clerics in Heraclea, now in modern-day Marmara Ereglisi, Turkey, who were arrested during the persecutions of Diocletian.

After they were imprisoned, they were ordered to surrender all the scriptures that they had hidden from authorities but they refused.

In 304 AD, they were burned at the stake and martyred together in Adrianople, now in modern-day Edirne, Turkey.

Their names are;

  • Eusebius
  • Hermes
  • Philip
  • Severus 

Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War

These are the names of some of the thousands of people who were murdered from 1934 to 1939, during the anti-Catholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War. 

Their names are;

  • Blessed Estanislao García Obeso
  • Blessed Victoriano Ibañez Alonso
  • Blessed Luis Minguel Ferrer
  • Blessed Josep Casas Lluch
  • Blessed José Menéndez García
  • Blessed Germán Caballero Atienza

Other Saints of the Day for October 22 2024

  • Lucia Bartolini Rucellai

Catholic Saint of the Day

Catholic Saint Feast Days in October

List of Saints Whose Feast Day is October 22 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is October 22 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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