Saint of the Day for December 2 2024

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Today is Tuesday, March 4, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is December 2 2024.

👉Saint Chromatius of Aquileia

Blessed John van Ruysbroeck

Blessed Rafal Chylinski

Blessed Maria Angela Astorch

Saint Bibiana

Blessed Ivan Sleziuk

Pope Saint Silverio

Saint Oderisius de Marsi

Our Lady of Liesse

Saint Athanasius of the Caves

Blessed Francisco del Valle Villar

Saint Nonnus of Edessa

St Nonnus of Edessa, also known as Nennos, Ninos, Nono, or Nonnos, was a deacon and also a monk at the monastery of Tabenna in upper Egypt.

It was through his prayers that St Pelagia, the Penitent, was converted to Christianity.

Additionally, he also attended the Council of Chalcedon in 451 AD.

Saint Avitus of Rouen

St Avitus of Rouen, also known as Avidien, Avit, Avitianus, or Avitien, died of natural causes in 325 AD. He was a bishop of Rouen, France in the early 4th century AD.

He was able to sign and support the decrees of the First Council of Arles in 314 AD. He was later interred in a crypt in the church of Saint-Gervais, Rouen, France.

Blessed Robert of Matallana

Blessed Robert of Matallana died of natural causes in 1185 AD. He was a Benedictine Cistercian monk of La Criste in Champagne, France, and an abbot at the Matallana monastery in Valladolid, Spain.

His patronage is against vermin.

Habakkuk the Prophet

Habakkuk the Prophet, also known as Avvakoum, Habacuc, was a seventh-century BC Old Testament prophet in Judea during the time of the captivity.

Blessed John Amero

Blessed John Amero was a Dominican lay-brother at Baeza, Spain.

He was noted for having only two interests in life which were to study and pray.

He was directed by his spiritual directors to take holy orders. He later died of natural causes in 1566 AD.

Saint Silvanus

St Silvanus, also known as Sylvanus, died of natural causes in 450 AD.

He was a monk at Constantinople and also a bishop of Troas, Phrygia. He prohibited his priests from working in secular courts.

Saint Pimenio in Rome

St Pimenio in Rome, also known as, Pimen was buried in the cemetery of Pontian, on Via Portuense, Rome, Italy. He was a priest and also died as a martyr.

Saint Pontian

St Pontian died in 259 AD in Rome, Italy. He was martyred with four unnamed in the persecutions of Emperor Valerian.

Saint Evasius of Brescia

St Evasius of Brescia was the early, possibly the first, bishop of Brescia, Italy.

Saint Lupus of Verona

St Lupus of Verona was a bishop of Verona, Italy.

Greek Martyrs of Rome

Greek Martyrs of Rome, also known as martyrs Groeci, were several Greek Christians martyred in the persecutions of Valerian.

They died by various means between 254 AD and 259 AD in Rome, Italy, and were buried in the Callistus catacombs.

Their Names are;

  • Paulina
  • Neon
  • Maximus
  • Mary Martana
  • Marcellus
  • Hippolytus
  • Eusebius
  • Aurelia
  • Adria

Martyrs of Africa

Martyrs of Africa are the four Christians martyred in Africa in the persecutions of Arian Vandals.

Their Names are;

  • Januarius
  • Securus
  • Severus
  • Victorinus

Other Saints of the Day for December 2 2024

  • Stefan Uros of Serbia
  • Lucius of Chur
  • Jesse of Tsilkani
  • Blanche of Castile
  • Bernardin Palaj
  • Berengar Cantull
  • Aurelia of Alexandria

Catholic Saint Feast Days in December

Catholic Saint of the Day

List of Saints Whose Feast Day is December 2 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is December 2 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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