This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is on February 20 2025.
Saint Francisco and Jacinta Marto
Saint Eucherius of Orleans
Blessed Stanislawa Rodzinska
Blessed Pietro of Treia
Saint Leo of Catania
Saint Wulfric of Haselbury
Saint Eleutherius of Tournai
Saint Colgan
Saint Bolcan of Derken
St Bolcan of Derken was also known as Olcan, or Olcanus. She was baptized by St Patrick and studied in Gaul.
He became the bishop of Derkan, in Northern Ireland. At that time, Bolcan’s school was one of the best equipped on the island.
He died in 480 AD of natural causes and his relics are preserved at Kilmore, Ireland.
Saint Tyrannio of Tyre
Saint Tyrannio of Tyre also known as Tirannione or Tyrannion was the bishop of Tyre, Phoenicia modern Sur, Lebanon.
He was martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian where he was torn by iron hooks in 310 AD in Antioch modern Antakya, Turkey.
Saint Amata of Assisi
Saint Amata of Assisi was a niece of Saint Clare of Assisi and a friend of Saint Dominic de Guzman.
After a misspent youth, Amata was miraculously healed by her aunt Clare and became a Poor Clare nun herself. She died in 1250 of natural causes.
Saint Serapion of Alexandria
Saint Serapion of Alexandria was tortured and martyred in the persecutions of Decius for permitting Christian worship in his home.
He was thrown out of an upper-story window of his house in 248 AD in Alexandria, Egypt.
Saint Eleutherius of Constantinople
Saint Eleutherius of Constantinople also known as Eleuterio or Eleuthere was the bishop in Constantinople. He died a martyr.
Saint Zenobius of Antioch
Saint Zenobius of Antioch was a physician and a priest in Sidon. He was martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian. He died in 310 AD in Antioch modern Antakya, Turkey.
Saint Nilus of Tyre
Saint Nilus of Tyre was a bishop in Egypt. He was tortured and martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian. He died in 304 AD in Tyre, Phoenicia modern Sur, Lebanon.
Saint Peleus of Tyre
Saint Peleus of Tyre was a bishop in Egypt who was martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian. He died in 304 AD in Tyre, Phoenicia modern Sur, Lebanon.
Saint Silvanus of Emesa
Saint Silvanus of Emesa was a bishop of Emesa, Syria who was martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian in 304 AD in Emesa, Syria.
Saint Falco of Maastricht
Saint Falco of Maastricht was a bishop of Maastricht, Netherlands from 495 AD till his death and died in 512 AD of natural causes.
Saint Valerius of Couserans
Saint Valerius of Couserans was the first bishop in Couserans, France.
Saint Pothamius of Cyprus
Saint Pothamius of Cyprus was a martyr who died in Cyprus.
Saint Nemesius of Cyprus
Saint Nemesius of Cyprus was a martyr who died in Cyprus.

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