Saint of the Day for August 18 2024

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Today is Wednesday, February 5, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is August 18 2024.

👉 Saint Helena of Constantinople

👉 Saint Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga

Blessed Martín Martínez Pascual

Saint Agapitus the Martyr

Saint Macarius the Wonder Worker

Blessed Leonard of Cava

Blessed Francus of Francavilla

Blessed Antoine Bannassat

Blessed Raynald of Ravenna

Saint Daig MacCairaill

Saint Evan of Ayrshire

Saint Ernan

Saint Florus of Illyria

Saint Florus of Illyria was also known as Floro. He was a twin brother of Saint Laurus of Illyria. He was a stone-cutter who worked to build Christian churches.

He was drowned in a well and died as a martyr.

Blessed Domenico de Molinar

Blessed Domenico de Molinar was a travelling preacher and a Mercedarian friar.

He helped to free 293 Christians from slavery in 1419 AD in Muslim Granada.

Blessed Gaspar di Salamanca

Blessed Gaspar di Salamanca was a travelling preacher and a Mercedarian friar.

He helped to free 293 Christians from slavery in 1419 AD in Muslim Granada.

Saint Laurus of Illyria

St Laurus of Illyria was a twin brother of Saint Florus of Illyria. He was a stone-cutter who worked to build Christian churches.

He was drowned in a well and died as a martyr.

Blessed Milo of Fontenelle

Blessed Milo of Fontenelle was born to the Frankish nobility. He and his father both gave up secular life and became Benedictine monks at Fontenelle Abbey.

Later on, Milo left the monastery to live as a hermit and died in 735 AD.

Saint John of Rome

Saint John of Rome was a Miracle worker and a Benedictine monk at Saint Andrew’s monastery on the Coelian Hill, Rome, Italy. He worked under abbot Saint Gregory the Great who later wrote about him. 

He died of natural causes in 590 AD.

Saint Eonus of Arles

St Eonus of Arles was also known as Eonio. In the late 5th and early 6th century, he was the Archbishop of Arles, France. He fought the Pelagian heresy and ordained Saint Cesareo of Arles. He died in 502 AD.

Saint Ronan of Iona

Saint Ronan was a Confessor of the faith and a monk at Iona Abbey. He was involved in the controversy with Saint Finan of Iona concerning the celebration of Easter. He died of natural causes in 660 AD.

Saint Crispus of Rome

St Crispus was a priest in the early days of the Church in Rome, Italy. Together with Saint John of Rome, he recovered and properly buried the bodies of martyrs. For this reason, he was martyred for it.

Saint Proculus of Illyria

St Proculus of Illyria was also known as Prochus. He was a sculptor and a stone cutter who worked to build Christian churches. He was drowned in a well and died as a martyr.

Saint Hermas of Rome

St Hermas of Rome was also known as Hermes. He was dragged by a pagan mob by the heels over the rough ground until he died as a martyr in Rome, Italy.

Saint Maximus of Illyria

St Maximus of Illyria was a sculptor and a stone-cutter who worked to build Christian churches. He was drowned in a well and died as a martyr.

Saint Polyaenus of Rome

Saint Polyaenus of Rome was dragged by a pagan mob by the heels over the rough ground until he died as a martyr in Rome, Italy.

Saint Serapion of Rome

St Serapion of Rome was dragged by a pagan mob by the heels over the rough ground until he died as a martyr in Rome, Italy.

Saint Firminus of Metz

St Firminus of Metz was also known as Fermin. He was the Bishop of Metz, France for eight years. He died in 496 AD.

Saint Leo of Myra

St Leo of Myra was also known as León. He died as a martyr at Myra, Lycia.

Saint Juliana of Stobylum

St Juliana of Stobylum died as a martyr in Strobylum, Asia Minor.

Saint Juliana of Myra

Saint Juliana died as a martyr at Myra, Lycia.

Massa Candida

Massa Candida are also known as Martyrs of Utica or the White Company.

They are a group of three hundred Christians at Carthage in the 3rd century AD, who were ordered to burn incense to Jupiter or face death by fire.

They refused and instead jumped into a pit of burning lime and died as martyrs at Carthage, North Africa in 253 AD.

Prudentius the poet and Saint Augustine of Hippo wrote about them.

Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War

These are the names of some of the thousands of people who were murdered from 1934 to 1939, during the anti-Catholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War. 

Their names are;

  • Blessed Vicente María Izquierdo Alcón
  • Blessed Silvano Villanueva González
  • Blessed Santiago Franco Mayo
  • Blessed Rosario Ciércoles Gascón
  • Blessed Patricio Gellida Llorach
  • Blessed Nicomedes Andrés Vecilla
  • Blessed Micaela Hernán Martínez
  • Blessed María Luisa Bermúdez Ruiz
  • Blessed Liberio González Nombela
  • Blessed Joseph Chamayoux Auclés
  • Blessed José Sánchez Rodríguez
  • Blessed José María Ruiz Cardeñosa
  • Blessed Jaume Falgarona Vilanova
  • Blessed Gregorio Díez Pérez
  • Blessed Francisco Pérez y Pérez
  • Blessed Francisco Arias Martín
  • Blessed Fermín Gellida Cornelles
  • Blessed Eudald Rodas Saurina
  • Blessed Eliseo María Camargo Montes
  • Blessed Daniel García Antón
  • Blessed Celestino José Alonso Villar
  • Blessed Aurelio García Anton
  • Blessed Atanasio Vidaurreta Labra
  • Blessed Angelo Reguilón Lobato
  • Blessed Agustín Pedro Calvo
  • Blessed Adalberto Vicente y Vicente

Other Saints of the Day for August 18 2024

  • Paola Montaldi
  • Ivan Rilski
Saints Whose Feast Day is August 18 - Catholic Saint of the Day
Saints Whose Feast Day is August 18 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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