Saint of the Day for August 25 2024

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Today is Monday, March 3, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is August 25 2024.

👉 Saint Louis, King

👉 Saint Joseph Calasanz

Blessed María del Tránsito de Jesús Sacramentado

Saint Ebbe the Elder

Saint Thomas of Hereford

Saint Genesius of Rome

Saint Genesius of Brescello

Blessed Maria Troncatti

Blessed Miguel Carvalho

Saint Menas of Constantinople

Saint Patricia of Naples

Blessed Andrea Bordino

Blessed Francesc Llach Candell

Blessed Pedro Vázquez

Blessed Fermí Martorell Vies

Blessed Eduard Cabanach Majem

Saint Gregory of Utrecht

Saint Genesius of Arles

Blessed Paul-Jean Charles

Saint Hunegund of Homblieres

Saint Peregrinus of Rome

Blessed Pedro de Calidis

Saint Gennadius of Constantinople

Blessed Luis Cabrera Sotelo

Blessed Ludovicus Baba

Saint Aredius of Limoges

Saint Eusebius of Rome

Blessed Ludovicus Sasada

Saint Pontian of Rome

Saint Vincent of Rome

Saint Nemesius of Rome

Saint Gurloes of Sainte-Croix

St Gurloes was a Benedictine monk, Prior of Redon Abbey and the Abbot of Sainte-Croix of Quimperle, Brittany in modern France. He died of natural causes in 1057 AD in Brittany, France.

Saint Maginus

St Maginus was also known as Magí. He was born in Tarragona, Spain, and evangelized in that area. In 304 AD, He was beheaded and martyred near Tarragona, Spain during the persecutions of Diocletian.

Saint Geruntius of Italica

St Geruntius of Italica was a missionary to Spain in the first century AD. He was a spiritual student of the Apostles. He became the Bishop of Talco (Italica), Spain, and died as a martyr in 100 AD while in prison.

Saint Marcian of Saignon

St Marcian was born in Saignon, France. He founded the monastery of Saint Eusebius in Apt, France, and died in 485 AD.

Saint Severus of Agde

St Severus of Agde was a monk. He founded and served as the first abbot of a monastery in Agde, Gaul, France.

Saint Julian of Syria

St Julian of Syria was a priest born in Syria.

Saint Hermes of Eretum

St Hermes of Eretum was also known as Ermete. He died as a martyr.

Saint Julius of Eretum

St Julius of Eretum was also known as Giulio. He died as a martyr.

Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War

These are the names of some of the thousands of people who were murdered from 1934 to 1939, during the anti-Catholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War. 

Their names are;

  • Blessed Vicente álvarez Cienfuegos
  • Blessed Salvi Tolosa Alsina
  • Blessed Ramon Cabanach Majem
  • Blessed Pere Farrés Valls
  • Blessed Miguel Grau Antolí
  • Blessed Manuel Fernández Ferro
  • Blessed Luis Urbano Lanaspa
  • Blessed Luis Gutiérrez Calvo
  • Blessed Juan Pérez Rodríguez
  • Blessed Josep Maria Panadés Terré
  • Blessed Fortunato Merino Vegas
  • Blessed Florencio Alonso Ruiz
  • Blessed Enric Salvá Ministral
  • Blessed Antoni Vilamassana Carulla
  • Blessed Antoni Prenafeta Soler

Other Saints of the Day for August 25 2024

  • Ginés de la Jara
Saints Whose Feast Day is August 25 - Catholic Saint of the Day
Saints Whose Feast Day is August 25 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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