This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is December 27 2024.
👉 Saint John the Apostle and Evangelist
Blessed Sára Salkaházi
Saint Nicarete of Constantinople
Saint Theodorus of Apamea
Saint Theophanes of Nicaea
Saint Fabiola of Rome
Blessed Odoardo Focherini
Blessed Alfredo Parte-Saiz
Blessed Francesco Spoto
Blessed Roger of Verdun
Blessed Christina Ebner
Blessed Alejo Pan LĂłpez
Blessed Alejo Pan López, also known as Ambrosio of Santibáñez, was a Franciscan Capuchin priest who was martyred during the Spanish Civil War.
He was born on October 24, 1888, in Santibáñez de la Isla, Léon, Spain, and died on December 27, 1936, in Santander, Cantabria, Spain. His beatification took place on October 13, 2013, by Pope Francis.
Saint Maximus of Alexandria
Saint Maximus of Alexandria was a priest in Alexandria, Egypt. He administered the see of Alexandria from 251 AD to 264 AD while its patriarch, Saint Dionysius, was in exile.
He became Bishop of Alexandria following Dionysius’ death and drove the corrupt heretical bishop Paul of Samosata into exile from Egypt. He died in 282 AD of natural causes.
Blessed Walto of WessobrĂĽnn
Blessed Balto of WessobrĂĽnn was also known as Balto of WessobrĂĽnn and was born in 1090. He was a benedictine monk and Abbot of WessobrĂĽnn in Bavaria in 1129.
He brought many benefactors to the abbey due to his goodness and miracles.
He died in 1156 AD of natural causes.
Blessed Hesso of Beinwil
Blessed Hesso of Beinwil also known as Esso, Esson or Hesson was a benedictine monk.
He was the Procurator at the abbey of Hirschau under Blessed William. He Formed the abbey in Beinwil, Switzerland in 1085 AD, and served as its first abbot. In 1133 AD, he died of natural causes.
Blessed Adelheidis of Tennenbach
Blessed Adelheidis of Tennenbach was born to an aristocratic family in Thöningen, Germany.
He was a Benedictine Cistercian nun and recluse at Tennenbach Abbey.
He died in 1273 AD at Tennenbach Abbey in Germany of natural causes.
Blessed Raymond de Barellis
Blessed Raymond de Barellis was a mercedarian monk at the convent of Saint Eulalia in Lerida, Spain.
Catholic Saint Feast Days in November

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