Saint of the Day for January 25 2025

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Today is Monday, February 24, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is on January 25 2025.

👉 Feast of Conversion of Saint Paul

Saint Ananias of Damascus

Blessed Henry Suso

Blessed Antonio Migliorati

Saint Dwynwen

Blessed Teresa Grillo Michel

Saint Poppo

Blessed Francesco Zirano

Blessed Manuel Domingo y Sol

Blessed Archangela Girlani

Saint Praejectus of Clermont

Blessed Guardato di Belforte Piceno

Blessed Antoni Swiadek

Saint Auxentius of Epirus

Saint Palaemon of Thebaid

Saint Publius of Zeugma

Saint Apollo of Heliopolis

Blessed Emilia Fernéndez Rodríguez de Cortés

Blessed Emilia Fernéndez Rodríguez de Cortés was born on April 13 1914 in Tíjola, Almería Spain. He was a married laywoman in the diocese of Almería, Spain.

He was killed on January 25 1939 at the Gachas-Colorés prison, Almería Spain and died as a martyr during the Spanish Civil War. He was beatified on March 25 2017 by Pope Francis.

Saint Bretannion of Tomi

St Bretannion of Tomi was a bishop of Tomi, Scythia (modern Constanta, Romania).

He opposed Arianism for which he was exiled by Emperor Valens unfortunately, the people of Tomi forced the emperor to restore him to his see. He died of natural causes in 380 AD.

Saint Maximinus of Antioch

St Maximinus of Antioch was a member of the imperial guard of Julian the Apostate.

When Julian issued orders prohibiting the veneration of the relics of saints, Maximinus and Saint Juventius protested and they were arrested, scourged, and martyred.

He was beheaded in 363 AD at Antioch, Syria. St John Chrysostom wrote their eulogy.

Saint Juventius of Antioch

St Juventius of Antioch was a member of the imperial guard of Julian the Apostate.

When Julian issued orders prohibiting the veneration of the relics of saints, Juventius and Saint Maximus protested and they were arrested, scourged, and martyred.

He was beheaded in 363 AD at Antioch, Syria. Saint John Chrysostom wrote their eulogy.

Saint Amarinus of Clermont

St Amarinus of Clermont, also known as Marinus, died as a martyr in 676 AD.

He was a Benedictine monk, a friend of St Praejectus of Clermont and also an abbot of a monastery in the archdiocese of Clermont, France.

The valley of Saint Amarian in Alsace, France, is named in his honour.

Saint Agileus of Carthage

St Agileus of Carthage was also known as Agleus or Agilaeus. He was born in Africa and died as a martyr in 300 AD at Carthage in North Africa.

St Augustine preached a sermon in his honour. His relics were later translated to Rome, Italy.

Saint Joel of Pulsano

St Joel of Pulsano was a spiritual student of St John of Matera. He was a Benedictine monk and died of natural causes in 1185 AD.

He helped found and eventual master-general of the Benedictine house of St Mary, Pulsano, Italy.

Blessed Michael de Plagis

Blessed Michael de Plagis was a Mercedarian monk at the monastery of Messina, Italy. He died in 1619 AD.

Saint Artemas of Pozzuoli

St Artemas of Pozzuoli was a Teenaged martyred at Pozzuoli, Italy. In his tradition says he was stabbed to death by his pagan school classmates using their iron pens

Saint Eochod of Galloway

St Eochod of Galloway was also known as Apostle of the Picts of Galloway, Scotland. He was a spiritual student of St Columba and of the twelve chosen by him to evangelize northern Britain.

Saint Racho of Autun

St Racho of Autun was also known as Ragnobert of Autun. He was the first bishop of Autun, France and died of natural causes in 660 AD.

Saint Donatus the Martyr

St Donatus the Martyr was a martyr.

Saint Sabinus the Martyr

St Sabinus the Martyr was a martyr.

Saint Agape the Martyr

St Agape the Martyr was a martyr.

List of Saints Whose Feast Day is January 25 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is January 25 2025 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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