Saint of the Day for June 16 2024

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Today is Thursday, February 20, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is June 16 2024.

Saint Benno of Meissen

Saint Lutgardis

Saint Cyriacus of Iconium

Martyrs of Làng Cóc

Saint Julitta of Iconium

Blessed Donizetti Tavares de Lima

Saint Aurelian of Arles

Saint Tycho of Amathus

Blessed Antoine Auriel

Saint Ferrutio and Saint Ferreolus of Besançon

Martyrs of Africa

Saint Aureus of Mainz

Saint Palerio of Telese

Blessed Thomas Redyng

Saint Ismael of Menevia

Saint Justina of Mainz

Saint Berthaldus

Saint Graecina of Volterra

Saint Graecina of Volterra also known as Gracinea or Graeciniana was martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian early 4th century.

His relics were discovered in the Camaldolese church of Saint Justus and Saint Clement, Volterra, Italy in 1140. He is represented by a young woman with a dagger.

Saint Actinea of Volterra

Saint Actinea of Volterra was martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian after being beheaded at Volterra, Etruria, Italy in the early 4th century.

Her relics were discovered in the Camaldolese church of Saint Justus and Saint Clement, Volterra, in 1140. She is represented as a young woman with a dagger.

Saint Cettin of Oran

Saint Cettin of Oran also known as Cetagh, Cethach or Cethagh was a spiritual student of Saint Patrick. He became a bishop and helped Patrick evangelize Ireland.

His shrine at Orran was a place of pilgrimage for centuries which survived into the 18th century. He died in the 5th century of natural causes.

Saint Cettin of Oran

Saint Cettin of Oran also known as Cichardo or Ceccardo was the bishop of Luni, Italy. He died as a martyr in 860 AD in Carrara, Italy. He is the patron saint of Carrara, Italy.

Blessed Gaspare Burgherre

Blessed Gaspare Burgherre was a Mercedarian friar. He became a member of the Roman Curia, he resigned his position to work to free Christians enslaved by Muslims. He freed 200 of them in the Andalusia region of Spain and died in 1497.

Saint Colman McRhoi

Saint Colman McRhoi was a spiritual student of Saint Columba of Iona and a deacon too.

He helped found the monastery of Reachrain now modern Lambay Island, Dublin, Ireland, and served as its abbot. He died in the 6th century of natural causes.

Saint Amandus of Beaumont

Saint Amandus of Beaumont also known as Amand, Amatius or Amantius born Scottish was a hermit at Beaumont, archdiocese of Rheims, France. He died in the 6th Century of natural causes.

Saint Aitheachan of Colpe

Saint Aitheachan of Colpe also known as Aitheachan of Inbher Colpthai or Athcain was a sixth-century martyr. While listed in multiple martyrologies, no details about him have survived.

Saint Similian of Nantes

Saint Similian of Nantes also known as Sambin was the bishop of Nantes, France. Saint Gregory of Tours testified to his holiness. He died in 310 AD of natural causes.

Saint Maurus of San Felice

Saint Maurus of San Felice born in Palestine was a sixth-century bishop. He attended a pilgrimage to Rome, Italy. He settled in the village of San Felice near Narni, Italy.

Saint Felix of San Felice

Saint Felix of San Felice born in Palestine was a sixth-century bishop. He attended a pilgrim to Rome, Italy and settled in the village of San Felice near Narni, Italy.

Saint Curig of Llanbadarn

Saint Curig of Llanbadarn born in Welsh was the bishop of Llanbadarn, Wales. Several Welsh churches are dedicated to him. He died in the 6th century AD.

Saint Cunigunde of Rapperswil

Saint Cunigunde of Rapperswil was a companion of Saint Ursula. He died as a martyr in Rapperswil, Switzerland.

Saint Crescentius of Antioch

Saint Crescentius of Antioch was a martyr who died in Antioch.

Saint Elidan

Saint Elidan also known as Ilid was a nun in Llangurig, Denbigshire, Wales.

Other Saints of the Day for June 16 2024

  • William of Monferrato
  • Maria Teresa Scherer
  • Limbania
  • Ilpidius of Brioude
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is June 16 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is June 16 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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