Saint of the Day for June 21 2024

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Today is Tuesday, February 18, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast is on June 21 2024.

👉 Saint Aloysius Gonzaga

Saint Lazarus

Saint Jose Isabel Flores Varela

Saint John Rigby

Saint Leutfridus of La-Croix

Saint Raymond of Barbastro

Blessed Nicholas Plutzer

Saint Alban of Mainz

Blessed Jacques-Morelle Dupas

Saint Ralph of Bourges

Saint Mewan of Bretagne

Saint Demetria of Rome

Blessed Juan of Jesus

Saint Engelmund

Blessed Colagia

Blessed Colagia was one of the first mercedarian nuns ans was a great spiritual teacher to her sisters and miracle worker too.

She was born in Barcelona, Spain, and died in 1295 at the Mercedarian convent in Barcelona, Spain of natural causes.

Saint Suibhne the Sage

Saint Suibhne the Sage also known as Suibhne of Armagh, Suibhne of Cobran, Suibhne In-Sui, Suibhney, Suivney or Suibne was an eighth century bishop of Armagh, Ireland for 12 to 15 years.

He became a Mercedarian friar and preacher who ransomed Christians enslaved by Muslims in North Africa. He died on June 21 730 AD of natural causes.

Saint Urciscenus of Pavia

Saint Urciscenus of Pavia also known as Ursicino was the bishop of Pavia, Italy, from 183 AD until his death, serving for 33 years.

He led his see during a turbulent period of persecution and growth. He died in 216 AD of natural causes.

Saint Agofredus

Saint Agofredus was the brother of Saint Leutfridus. He became a Holy Cross Benedictine monk. He was known throughout Normandy, France, for his holiness and died in 738 AD of natural causes.

Saint Terence

Saint Terence also known as Terentius was a first century bishop of Iconium. He may have been the Terius mentioned by Saint Paul the Apostle in Romans 16:22. He died a martyr.

Saint Cormac

Saint Cormac was a sixth century spiritual student of Saint Columba. He was appointed abbot of Durrow monastery by Columba.

Saint Martin of Tongres

Saint Martin of Tongres was the bishop of Tongres in modern Belgium. He became the apostle of the Hesbaye district, in Brabant.

Saint Dominic of Comacchio

Saint Dominic of Comacchio was a monk at Comacchio near Venice, Italy. He died in 820 AD.

Saint Rufinus of Syracuse

Saint Rufinus of Syracuse died as a martyr in Syracuse, Sicily, on an unknown date.

Saint Martia of Syracuse

Saint Martia of Syracuse was a martyr who died in Syracuse, Sicily, on an unknown date.

Saint Apollinaris of Africa

Saint Apollinaris of Africa was a martyr.

Saint Cyriacus of Africa

Saint Cyriacus of Africa was a martyr.

Martyrs of Taw

Martyrs of Taw is a group of three Christians of different backgrounds who were martyred together after being beheaded in Taw, Egypt, on an unknown date. Their names are Moses, Thomasa, and Paphnutius.

Other Saints of the Day for June 21 2024

  • Ursus of Burano
  • Thomas of Orvieto
  • Sillen
  • Madonna of the Miracles
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is June 21 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is June 21 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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