Saint of the Day for June 22 2024

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Today is Tuesday, February 18, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is June 22 2024.

👉 Saint Paulinus of Nola, Bishop;

👉 Saint John Fisher, Bishop and Martyr

👉 Saint Thomas More, Martyr

Pope Blessed Innocent V

Blessed Marie Lhuilier

Saint Eusebius of Samosata

Saint Alban of Britain

Saint Eberhard of Salzburg

Saint Aaron of Brettany

Saint Precia of Epinal

Saint Hespérius of Metz

Saint Nicetas of Remesiana

Saint Consortia

Saint Exuperantius of Como

Saint Flavius Clemens

Saint Gregory of Agrigento

Saint Gregory of Agrigento was martyred in the persecutions of Valerian and his relics were enshrined in Sicily.

Saint John IV of Naples

Saint John IV of Naples also known as Giovanni d’Acquarola or John the Peacemaker was the bishop of Naples, Italy. He died in 835 AD of natural causes. He is the patron of Naples, Italy.

Martyrs of Samaria

Martyrs of Samaria is a group of 1480 Christians massacred in and near Samaria during the war between the Greek Emperor Heraclius and the pagan Chosroas of Persia. They died in 614 AD in the vicinity of Samaria, Palestine.

Saint Rotrudis of Saint-Omer

Saint Rotrudis of Saint-Omer died in 869 AD and his relics are enshrined in the church of Saint Bertin, Saint Omer, France. No further information has survived.

Saint Heraclius the Soldier

Saint Heraclius the Soldier was martyred with Saint Alban in the persecutions of Diocletian in 303 AD in Verulamium, Hertfordshire, England.

Saint Julius of Pais-de-Laon

Saint Julius of Pais-de-Laon was martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian in 303 AD in Pais-de-Leon, Brittany in modern France.

Saint Aaron of Pais-de-Laon

Saint Aaron of Pais-de-Laon was martyred during the persecutions of Diocletian in 303 AD at Pais-de-Leon, Brittany in modern-day France.

Saint Cronan of Ferns

Saint Cronan of Ferns also known as Mochua was a monk and became abbot of Ferns in the latter 7th century. He died in the late 7th century AD.

Blessed Kristina Hamm

Blessed Kristina Hamm was a 15th-century nun in Hamm, Westphalia in modern Germany. He was a stigmatist and was attested for by 12 witnesses.

Blessed Altrude of Rome

Blessed Altrude of Rome was a Franciscan tertiary known for her piety. She died in 1280 in Rome, Italy.

Saint Rufinus of Alexandria

Saint Rufinus of Alexandria was a martyr who died in Alexandria, Egypt, on an unknown date.

Other Saints of the Day for June 22 2024

  • Our Lady of the Cape
  • Nicetas of Aquileia
  • Madonna Ta’ Pinu
  • Jean de la Belliere
  • Crunmael of Barragh
  • Alban of Riva
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is June 22 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is June 22 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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