This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is June 29 2024.
Solemnity of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Apostles
Blessed Hemma of Gurk
Blessed Pierre of Tarentaise the Elder
Saint Mary the Mother of John Mark
Saint Paulus Wu Anju
Saint Ioannes Baptista Wu Mantang
Saint Magdalena Du Fengju
Saint Salome of Niederaltaich
Saint Maria Du Tianshi
Saint Paulus Wu Wanshu
Saint Judith of Niederaltaich
Saint Cassius of Narni
Saint Syrus of Genoa
Saint Ciwg ap Arawn
Saint Ciwg ap Arawn born in 6th century Welsh was the son of Arawn ab Cynfarch Gul, prince of the Yscotlont region of northern Wales, and Nyfain who was the grandson of Saint Brychan of Brycheiniog.
A church in Llangiwg, Glamorganshire, Wales is dedicated to him. The only detail of his life to survive is that he was a bard.
Blessed William of Sann
Blessed William of Sann was in the Count of Sann. He got married to Blessed Hemma of Gurk and died while returning home from pilgrimage.
He died in 1015 in a barn in Gräbern, Carinthia, Austria of natural causes. He is celebrated on 27th June in German-speaking areas.
Saint Ilud Ferch Brychan
Saint Ilud Ferch Brychan also known as Hudd, Juliot, Juliana or Llud was born in 464 AD as a princess, the daughter of Saint Brychan of Brycheiniog.
A parish church in Luxulyan, Cornwall, England is dedicated to her. She was killed in a robbery in the later 5th century AD.
Saint Benedicta of Sens
Saint Benedicta of Sens born in Spain was the sister of Saint Augustine of Sens and Saint Sanctian of Sens.
During the persecution of Christians in Spain by Aurelian, she fled to Sens, Gaul now modern France which was no friendlier. She died as a martyr in 273 AD in Sens, France.
Saint Anastasius of Bourges
Saint Anastasius of Bourges was a soldier who died as a martyr. He was scourged to death in 274 AD in Bourges, France.
Saint Marcellus of Bourges
Saint Marcellus of Bourges was a martyr who was beheaded in 274 AD in Bourges, France.
Saint Cocha
Saint Cocha also known as Coecha was the sixth-century abbess of Ross-Benchuir, Ireland.
Other Saints of the Day for June 29 2024
- Our Lady of Linares

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