Saint of the Day for June 6 2024

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Today is Tuesday, March 4, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day falls on June 6 2024.

👉 Saint Norbert of Xanten, Bishop

Saint Rafael Guízar y Valencia

Saint Marcellin-Joseph-Benoît Champagnat

Blessed Józef Wojciech Guz

Saint Bertrand of Aquileia

Blessed Gilbert of Neufontaines

Saint Jarlath of Tuam

Saint Phêrô Thuan

Saint Phêrô Dung

Blessed Falco of Cava

Saint Vinh-Son Duong

Saint Claudius of Besançon

Saint Eustorgius II of Milan

Saint Ceratius of Grenoble

Saint Alexander of Fiesole

Blessed William Greenwood

Blessed Gerard Tintorio

Saint Gudwall

Saint Paulina of Rome

St Paulina of Rome, also known as Paolina, died as a martyr and was buried alive under a pile of stones in 302 AD.

She was the daughter of St Artemius of Rome and St Candida of Rome. Additionally, she was brought to the faith by St Peter the Exorcist and baptized by St Marcellinus.

Saint Artemius of Rome

St Artemius of Rome, also known as Artemio, was beheaded in 302 AD. He was a husband to St Candida of Rome and a father of Saint Paulina of Rome. Additionally, he was a jailer, a martyr and was brought to the faith by St Peter the Exorcist and baptised by St Marcellinus.

Saint Agobard of Lyon

St Agobard of Lyon was born in 769 AD in Spain and died in natural causes in 840 AD. He was a refugee in France in his youth after escaping the Moorish invasions of Spain.

Additionally, he was a priest at Lyon, France and later become an Archbishop of Lyons in 813 AD. He was deeply involved in the politics of his day and wrote works on theology and the liturgy.

Saint Candida of Rome

St Candida of Rome was a martyr buried alive under a pile of stones in 302 AD. She was the wife to St Artemius of Rome and the mother of St Paulina of Rome. She was brought to the faith by St Peter the Exorcist and baptized by St Marcellinus.

Saint Grazia of Germagno

St Grazia of Germagno died as a martyr and his relics were transferred from the catacombs of Ciriaca in Rome, Italy to Germagno, Italy in 1842 and enshrined in the church of San Bartolomeo.

Saint Alexander of Noyon

St Alexander of Noyon was born and died in Cannes, France. Three of his brothers together with him were converts and then later become priests.

Additionally, he become a bishop of Noyon, France, and was martyred for his faith with five other priests, three of them his brothers.

Saint Amantius of Noyon

St Amantius of Noyon was born and died in Cannes, France. Together with his three brothers were converts, then later become priests and later a bishop of Noyon, France. He was later martyred for his faith with five other priests and three of them his brothers.

Saint Hilarion the Younger

St Hilarion the Younger, also known as Ilarione, died in 845 AD. He was a priest, a monk, and later archimandrite of the monastery of Dalmazio. For defending the use of icons and other images, he was imprisoned, whipped, and exiled.

Blessed Daniel of Bergamo

Blessed Daniel of Bergamo, was also known as Daniele. he died in 1460 AD. He was venerated in Bergamo, Italy, but no details about him have survived.

Additionally, an image of him is in the chapel of St Bernardino in Bergamo, Italy.

Saint Cocca

St Cocca, also known as Cox, Cucca or Cuach, is the patron Saint of Kilcock, Ireland. The name of Kilcock, a town under his patronage, is derived from the phrase Cocca’s cell, so he was presumably a monk or hermit.

Saint Colmán of Orkney

St Colmán of Orkney, also known as Colmoco, died 1010 AD. He was a bishop of the Orkney Islands off the coast of Scotland, consecrated in Rome, Italy 994 AD.

Blessed Gundisalvus of Azebeyro

Blessed Gundisalvus of Azebeyro died of natural causes in 1466 AD. He was a Cistercian Benedictine monk and later become an abbot at Azebeyro, Spanish Galicia.

Saint Bessarion of Egypt

St Bessarion of Egypt was a fourth-century beggar pilgrim to holy places who finally settled to live as a hermit in the desert of Skete in Egypt.

Saint Anoub of Skete

St Anoub of Skete died of natural causes in the later 5th century in the desert of Skete in Egypt. He was a hermit in the desert of Skete in Egypt.

Saint Vincent of Bevagna

St Vincent of Bevagna was martyred in 303 AD. He was the first bishop of Bevagna, Italy. He was martyred in the persecution of Diocletian.

Blessed Lorenzo de Masculis

Blessed Lorenzo de Masculis died 1535 AD at Ortona, Abruzzo, Italy. He was a Franciscan Friar Minor priest and a famous preacher.

Saint John of Verona

St John of Verona was a seventh-century bishop of Verona, Italy and was noted for his ministry to the poor.

Saint Bazalota of Abyssinia

St Bazalota of Abyssinia was a 4th-century nun in Abyssinia (modern Ethiopia).

Saint Euphemia of Abyssinia

St Euphemia of Abyssinia was a 4th-century nun in Abyssinia (modern Ethiopia).

Martyrs of Tarsus

Martyrs of Tarsus were martyred in Tarsus (in modern Turkey). They were a group of 20 martyrs who were killed together during the persecution of Diocletian.

Mercedarian Fathers of Avignon

Mercedarian Fathers of Avignon died in Avignon, France of plague. Several Mercedarians from the Santa Maria convent of Avignon, France worked with plague victims in that city and died of the disease themselves.

Other Saints of the Day for June 6 2024

  • Felicia de Montmorency
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is June 6 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is June 6 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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