This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is June 8 2024.
Saint Medard of Noyon
Blessed Maria Droste zu Vischering
Saint William of York
Our Lady of Sunday
Blessed Mariam Thresia Chiramel Mankidiyan
Saint Jacques Berthieu
Blessed István Sándor
Blessed John Davy
Blessed Peter de Amer
Saint Victorinus of Camerino
Saint Clodulf of Metz
Saint Melania the Elder
St Melania the Elder was born in 342 AD and died of natural causes in 410 AD. She was a wife, a mother and a grandmother of St Melania the Younger.
She later become a widow at age 21 and travelled through Palestine for several years and founded a monastery on the Mount of Olives.
Saint Gildard of Rouen
St Gildard of Rouen, also known as Gildardus or Godard, died of natural causes in 525 AD. He was a bishop of Rouen, France from 488 AD to 525 AD and attended the first Council of Orléans in 511 AD.
Saint Heraclius of Sens
St Heraclius of Sens died of natural causes in 515 AD. He was a bishop of Sens, France and witnessed the baptism of Clovis on December 25 496 AD.
Additionally, he built the abbey of St John the Evangelist at Sens. After his death, she was buried at the abbey of St John the Evangelist at Sens, France.
Saint Syra of Troyes
St Syra of Troyes, also known as Syria of Troyes, was born in Ireland and died of natural causes in 7th-century Troyes, France.
She was a sister of St Fiacre and when her brother fled Ireland to find solitude, she followed and lived as an anchoress in Troyes, France.
Saint Eustadiola of Moyen-Moutier
St Eustadiola of Moyen-Moutier was born in Bourges, France and died of natural causes in 690 AD. She was a wife but later become a wealthy widow.
She spent her fortune building the convent of Moyen-Moutier, France where she became a nun and then abbess.
Blessed Engelbert of Schäftlarn
Blessed Engelbert of Schäftlarn was born in 1100 AD in Germany and died in 8th June 1153 AD. He was a Premonstratensian monk.
Additionally, he was the first prior of the convent in Ursber, Bavaria, Germany, the Order‘s first house in southern Germany.
Blessed Maddallena of the Conception
Blessed Maddallena of the Conception, also known as Magdalene, was a Mercedarian nun at the Monastery of the Assumption in Seville, Spain. She had a great devotion to prayer for souls in Purgatory.
Blessed Giorgio Porta
Blessed Giorgio Porta died 15th century. He was a Mercedarian monk and also a commander of the San Lazzaro convent in Zaragoza, Spain.
In addition, he ransomed many Christians enslaved by Muslims in Granada, Spain and Algiers in North Africa.
Blessed Giselbert of Cappenberg
Blessed Giselbert of Cappenberg died in the early 12th century. He was a servant to Blessed Godfrey of Cappenberg. Additionally, he was a Premonstratensian monk, and a Lector and was known for his charity.
Saint Maximinus of Aix
St Maximinus of Aix, also known as Maximin, was the first bishop of Aix, Provence (in modern France). He is the patron Saint of the Archdiocese of Aix, France.
Blessed Robert of Frassinoro
Blessed Robert of Frassinoro died in 1070 AD. He was a Benedictine monk and also an abbot of the abbey of Frassinoro near Modena, Italy.
Blessed John Rainuzzi
Blessed John Rainuzzi died in 1330 AD. He was a Benedictine monk at St Margaret’s monastery in Todi, Italy and was noted for his charity.
Saint Bron of Cassel-Irra
St Bron of Cassel-Irra died in 511 AD. He was a spiritual student of St Patrick and later become a bishop of Cassel-Irra, Ireland.
Saint Muirchu
St Muirchu, also known as Maccutinus, was a writer whose works include biographies of St Brigid of Ireland and St Patrick.
Saint Calliope
St Calliope, also known as Calliopa, was a third-century martyr. He was beheaded but the exact date and time is unknown.
Saint Fortunato of Fano
St Fortunato of Fano was a sixth-century bishop of Fano, Italy. He later became the patron Saint of Fano, Italy.
Saint Sallustian
St Sallustian, also known as Sallustianus, was a hermit in Sardinia.
Other Saints of the Day for June 8 2024
- Ilga of Schwarzenberg
- Armando of Zierikzee
- Nicola da Gesturi

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