Saint of the Day for September 27 2024

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Today is Sunday, February 2, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is September 27 2024.

👉 Saint Vincent de Paul, Priest

Blessed Lorenzo of Ripafratta

Blessed Delphine

Saint Elzear

Blessed Jean-Baptiste Laborie du Vivier

Saint Bonfilius of Foligno

Saint Adolphus and Saint John of Cordoba

Saint Gaius of Milan

Blessed Lorenzo della Pieta

Blessed Lorenzo della Pieta was a Mercedarian assigned to North Africa. He was beaten and abused by Muslims repeatedly but managed to free 121 Christians who had been enslaved.

Saint Hiltrude of Liessies

St Hiltrude of Liessies lived secluded and in solitude near Liessies, France. He was under the spiritual direction of her brother Gundrad who was an abbot of the nearby monastery. In 790 AD, he died of natural causes.

Blessed Antonio de Torres

Blessed Antonio de Torres was a Mercedarian friar. He was known as a man devoted to God wholly.

He ransomed and freed 80 Christians in Algiers, North Africa, who had been enslaved by Muslims.

Saint Barrog the Hermit

St Barrog the Hermit was also known as Barrwg, Barnoch, Barruc, Barry, Barroq, or Barnoc. He was a spiritual student of Saint Cadoc of Wales in the seventh century.

He became a hermit on a piece of land now known as Barry Island in his honour. That land was an island off the coast of Glamorgan.

Saint Adheritus

St Adheritus was also known as Adhentus, Abderitus, or Adery. He was a Greek-born priest and later the Bishop of Ravenna, Italy.

He died of natural causes in Ravenna, Italy in the 2nd century and his relics were preserved in the Benedictine Basilica of Classe, Ravenna, Italy.

Saint Ceraunus of Paris

St Ceraunus of Paris was also known as Ceran of Paris. He was the Bishop of Paris, France. In 614 AD, he died of natural causes and his relics are enshrined in the church of Saint Genevieve, Paris, France.

Saint Fidentius of Todi

St Fidentius of Todi was also known as Fidenzio of Todi. He died as a martyr and his relics were discovered in the 12th century in Todi, Italy. He is the patron saint of Bassano in Teverina, Italy.

Saint Florentinus the Hermit

St Florentinus the Hermit was also known as Florentino. He was a hermit who died as a martyr. He was beheaded in 5th century by Vandals in Sedunum, Gaul now modern-day Brémur, France.

Saint Terence of Todi

St Terence of Todi was also known as Terenzio or Terentius. He died as a martyr and his relics were discovered in the 12th century in Todi, Italy. He is the patron saint of Bassano in Teverina, Italy.

Saint Deodatus of Sora

Saint Deodatus of Sora died as a martyr in Sora, Italy. His relics were enshrined in 1621 AD in the cathedral in Sora.

Saint Marcellus of Saint Gall

St Marcellus was an Irish monk at Saint Gall Abbey in Switzerland. He died in 869 AD.

Saint Epicharis

St Epicharis was martyred in Byzantium during the persecutions of Diocletian.

Saint Hilary the Hermit

St Hilary was a hermit who died as a martyr in France.

Martyrs of Aegea

The Martyrs of Aegea were three Christians who were in 303 AD, tortured, beheaded, and ultimately martyred together with Saints Damian and Cosmas in Aegea, Cilicia, now modern-day Ayas, Turkey during the persecutions of Diocletian.

Their names are;

  • Anthimus
  • Euprepius
  • Leontius

Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War

These are the names of some of the thousands of people who were murdered from 1934 to 1939, during the anti-Catholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War. 

Their names are;

  • Blessed Mariano Climent Sanchis
  • Blessed Maria Rosa Fradera Ferragutcasas
  • Blessed Maria Magdalena Fradera Ferragutcasas
  • Blessed Maria Carme Fradera Ferragutcasas
  • Blessed JosĂ© Fenollosa Alcaina
  • Blessed Herminia MartĂ­nez AmigĂł de MartĂ­nez
  • Blessed Crescencia Valls EspĂ­

Other Saints of the Day for September 27 2024

  • Sigebert II of East Anglia
  • Paul Sanson
  • Mary of the Purification
  • Chiara of the Resurrection
Saints Whose Feast Day is September 27 - Catholic Saint of the Day
Saints Whose Feast Day is September 27 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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