Saint of the Day for September 29 2024

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Today is Sunday, March 23, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is September 29 2024.

👉 Feast of Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Archangels

Blessed Luigi Monza

Blessed John de Montmirail

Saint Rene Goupil

Blessed Antonio Arribas Hortigüela

Saint Jan of Dukla

Blessed Charles of Blois

Blessed Francesc de Paula Castelló Aleu

Blessed Richard Rolle de Hampole

Saint Maurice of Carnoet

Blessed Alericus

Saint Guillermo Courtet

Saint Miguel González de Aozaraza de Leibar

Saint Vicente Shiwozuka de la Cruz

Saint Rhipsime

Saint Liutwin of Trier

Saint Lazaro of Kyoto

Saint Grimoaldus of Pontecorvo

Saint Dadas of Persia

Saint Theodota of Thrace

Saint Gabdelas of Persia

Saint Quiriacus of Palestine

Saint Casdoe

St Casdoe was a Persian noblewoman. She was married to Saint Dadas. In 368 AD, she, her husband, and Saint Gabdelas, who may have been their son were martyred for refusing to deny Christianity in Persia during the persecutions of Shapur II.

Blessed John of Ghent

Blessed John of Ghent was also known as the Hermit of Saint Claude. He worked with Saint Joan of Arc and was a Benedictine monk at the abbey of Sainte-Claude in the Jura Mountains. In 1439 AD, he died of natural causes.

Saint Sapor of Persia

St Sapor of Persia was also known as Shapor. Because of his faith, King Shapur II, who was his relative, ordered his execution. He was stabbed with a sword and martyred in Persia in the mid-4th century.

Saint Fraternus of Auxerre

St Fraternus of Auxerre was also known as Fraterno. He was the Bishop of Auxerre, France. He died as a martyr in 450 AD.

Saint Diethardus of Eichstatt

St Diethardus of Eichstatt was a monk who, in the 8th century, evangelized the area of Eichstatt, Germany.

Saint Catholdus of Eichstatt

St Catholdus of Eichstatt was a monk who, in the 8th century, evangelized the area of Eichstatt, Germany.

Saint Anno of Eichstatt

St Anno of Eichstatt was a monk who, in the 8th century, evangelized the area of Eichstatt, Germany.

Saint Gudelia

St Gudelia was a maiden who in 340 AD was martyred in Persia during the persecutions of Shapur II.

Martyrs of Thrace

The Martyrs of Thrace were the three Christian men murdered in Thrace for their faith.

Their names are;

  • Eutychius
  • Heracleas
  • Plautus

Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War

These are the names of some of the thousands of people who were murdered from 1934 to 1939, during the anti-Catholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War. 

Their names are;

  • Virgilio Edreira Mosquera
  • Vicente Sales Genovés
  • Santiago Mestre Iborra
  • Pau Bori Puig
  • Joseph Oriol Isern Massó
  • José Villanova Tormo
  • José Vergara Echevarria
  • José Del Amo y Del Amo
  • Jesús Moreno Ruiz
  • Gumersindo Gómez Rodríguez
  • Francisco Edreira Mosquera
  • Francesc de Paula Castelló Aleu
  • Dario Hernández Morató
  • Antonio Martínez López
  • Abundio Martín Rodríguez

Other Saints of the Day for September 29 2024

  • Nicola da Forca Palena
  • Lothair I
  • Henry Scarampi
  • Giacomo da Rafelbunol
  • Gaiana
Saints Whose Feast Day is September 29 - Catholic Saint of the Day
Saints Whose Feast Day is September 29 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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