Saint of the Day for September 2 2024

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Today is Friday, March 21, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is September 2 2024.

👉Saint Nonnosus of Monte Soratte

Saint Solomon le Clerq

Blessed François-Joseph Pey

Blessed Anne-Alexandre-Charles-Marie Lanfant

Saint Ingrid of Sweden

Saint Margaret of Louvain

Blessed Antonio Franco

Saint Agricola of Avignon

Saint Antoninus of Pamiers

Saint Elpidius the Cappadocian

Saint Justus of Lyon

Blessed Albert of Pontida

Blessed Jules-Honoré-Cyprien Pazery de Thorame

Blessed Pierre-Louis de la Rochefoucauld-Bayers

Saint William of Roskilde

Blessed Ambroise-Augustin Chevreux

Saint Prospero of Tarragona

Saint Brocard

Blessed André Grasset de Saint-Sauveur

Saint Abibus of Edessa

Saint Hieu

Saint Comus of Crete

Blessed Vitus of Pontida

Saint Antoninus of Syria

Saint Theodota of Bithynia

Eleazar the Patriarch

Saint Syagrius of Autun

Saint Elpidius of Lyon

Saint Lanfranco of Vercelli

St Lanfranco was the bishop of Vercelli, Italy in the fifth century for nine years.

Saint Maxima of Rome

St Maxima of Rome was also known as Massima. He was a slave in imperial Rome. In 304 AD, he and Saint Ansanus were scourged to death in Rome, Italy, and died as martyrs during the persecutions of Diocletian.

Saint Aithalas of Adrianopolis

St Aithalas was whipped to death in Adrianopolis, Thrace an area of modern Bulgaria, and died as an early martyr.

Saint Ammun of Adrianopolis

St Ammun was whipped to death in Adrianopolis, Thrace an area of modern Bulgaria, and died as an early martyr.

Saint Valentine of Strasbourg

St Valentine of Strasbourg was the fourth Bishop of Strasbourg, Alsace, France. He died in the 4th century AD.

Saint Lolanus

St Lolanus was the Bishop in Scotland. He died in 1034 AD.

Holy Bishops of Rennes

The Holy Bishops of Rennes are all the bishops of the Diocese of Rennes, France who have been honoured and recognized as saints. 

Their names are;

  • Saint Synchronius of Rennes
  • Saint Servius of Rennes
  • Saint Riotisme of Rennes
  • Saint Rambert of Rennes
  • Saint Modéran of Rennes
  • Saint Maximinus of Rennes

Martyrs of Nicomedia

The Martyrs of Nicomedia are Three Christians who were martyred together in the persecutions of Diocletian in Nicomedia, Bithynia in modern Turkey

Their names are;

  • Concordius
  • Theodore
  • Zenone

Martyrs of September 2

The Martyrs of September 2 were a group of ten Christian martyrs whose names are on old martyrologies.

Their names are;

  • Philip
  • Philadelphus
  • Pantagapes
  • Menalippus
  • Leonides
  • Julian
  • Hesychius
  • Eutychian
  • Diomedes
  • Antoninus

Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War

These are the names of some of the thousands of people who were murdered from 1934 to 1939, during the anti-Catholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War. 

Their names are;

  • Blessed Lorenzo Insa Celma
  • Blessed José María Laguía Puerto
  • Blessed Joan Franquesa Costa
  • Blessed Fortunato Barrón Nanclares
  • Blessed Baldomer Margenat Puigmitja

Martyrs of September

The Martyrs of September are also known as Martyrs of Paris or Martyrs of Carmes.

They are a group of 191 martyrs who died during the French Revolution. They had been imprisoned by the Legislative Assembly for refusing to take the oath to support the civil constitution of the clergy.

They had been confined in the Prison de la Force, Hôtel des Carmes in the rue de Rennes, Abbey of St-Germain-des-Prés, and Seminaire de Saint-Firmin in Paris, France.

This act had been condemned by the Vatican because it had placed priests under the control of the state.

Their names are;

  1. Yves-Jean-Pierre Rey de Kervisic
  2. Yves-André Guillon de Keranrun
  3. Vincent-Joseph le Rousseau de Rosencoat
  4. Vincent Abraham
  5. Urbain Lefebvre
  6. Thomas-René Dubuisson
  7. Thomas-Nicolas Dubray
  8. Thomas-Jean Montsaint
  9. Solomon Leclerq
  10. Sébastien Desbrielles
  11. Saintin Huré
  12. Robert-François Guérin du Rocher
  13. Robert le Bis
  14. René-Nicolas Poret
  15. René-Marie Andrieux
  16. René-Julien Massey
  17. René-Joseph Urvoy
  18. René Nativelle
  19. Pierre-Robert Regnet
  20. Pierre-Paul Balzac
  21. Pierre-Nicolas Psalmon
  22. Pierre-Michel Guérin du Rocher
  23. Pierre-Michel Guérin
  24. Pierre-Louis-Joseph Verrier
  25. Pierre-Louis Joret
  26. Pierre-Louis Gervais
  27. Pierre-Louis de la Rochefoucauld-Bayers
  28. Pierre-Jean Garrigues
  29. Pierre-Jacques-Marie Vitalis
  30. Pierre-Jacques de Turmenyes
  31. Pierre-François Pazery de Thorames
  32. Pierre-François Hénocq
  33. Pierre-Florent Leclercq
  34. Pierre-Claude Pottier
  35. Pierre Saint-James
  36. Pierre Ploquin
  37. Pierre Landry
  38. Pierre Gauguin
  39. Pierre Brisse
  40. Pierre Brisquet
  41. Pierre Bonzé
  42. Philibert Fougères
  43. Olivier Lefebvre
  44. Nicolas-Marie Verron
  45. Nicolas-Claude Roussel
  46. Nicolas Gaudreau
  47. Nicolas Colin
  48. Nicolas Clairet
  49. Nicolas Bize
  50. Michel-François de la Gardette
  51. Michel-André-Sylvestre Binard
  52. Michel Leber
  53. Mathurin-Victoir Deruelle
  54. Mathurin-Nicolas de la Ville Crohain le Bous de Villeneuve
  55. Martin-François-Alexis Loublier
  56. Marie-François Mouffle
  57. Marc-Louis Royer
  58. Loup Thomas-Bonnotte
  59. Louis-Remi-Nicolas Benoist
  60. Louis-Remi Benoist
  61. Louis-Laurent Gaultier
  62. Louis-Joseph François
  63. Louis-Jean-Mathieu Lanier
  64. Louis-François-André Barret
  65. Louis-François Rigot
  66. Louis-Benjamin Hurtrel
  67. Louis-Alexis-Mathias Boubert
  68. Louis Mauduit
  69. Louis Longuet
  70. Louis le Danois
  71. Louis Barreau de La Touche
  72. Laurent
  73. Julien-François Hédouin
  74. Julien Poulain Delaunay
  75. Julien le Laisant
  76. Jules-Honoré-Cyprien Pazery de Thorame
  77. Joseph-Thomas Pazery de Thorame
  78. Joseph-Marie Gros
  79. Joseph-Louis Oviefre
  80. Joseph Falcoz
  81. Joseph Bécavin
  82. Jean-Thomas Leroy
  83. Jean-Robert Quéneau
  84. Jean-Pierre Simon
  85. Jean-Pierre Le Laisant
  86. Jean-Pierre Duval
  87. Jean-Pierre Bangue
  88. Jean-Philippe Marchand
  89. Jean-Michel Philippot
  90. Jean-Marie du Lau d’Alleman
  91. Jean-Louis Guyard de Saint-Clair
  92. Jean-Joseph Rateau
  93. Jean-Joseph de Lavèze-Bellay
  94. Jean-Henri-Louis-Michel Samson
  95. Jean-Henri Gruyer
  96. Jean-François-Marie Benoît-Vourlat
  97. Jean-François Burté
  98. Jean-François Bousquet
  99. Jean-François Bonnel de Pradal
  100. Jean-Charles-Marie Bernard du Cornillet
  101. Jean-Charles Legrand
  102. Jean-Charles Caron
  103. Jean-Baptiste-Michel Pontus
  104. Jean-Baptiste-Marie Tessier
  105. Jean-Baptiste-Claude Aubert
  106. Jean-Baptiste Nativelle
  107. Jean-Baptiste Jannin
  108. Jean-Baptiste Bottex
  109. Jean-Antoine-Joseph de Villette
  110. Jean-Antoine-Hyacinthe Boucharenc de Chaumeils
  111. Jean-Antoine-Barnabé Séguin
  112. Jean-Antoine Seconds
  113. Jean-Antoine Savine
  114. Jean-Antoine Guilleminet
  115. Jean-André Capeau
  116. Jean Lemaître
  117. Jean Lacan
  118. Jean Goizet
  119. Jean Charton de Millou
  120. Jacques-Louis Schmid
  121. Jacques-Léonor Rabé
  122. Jacques-Jules Bonnaud
  123. Jacques-Joseph Le jardinier desLandes
  124. Jacques-Jean Lemeunier
  125. Jacques-Gabriel Galais
  126. Jacques-François de Lubersac
  127. Jacques-étienne-Philippe Hourrier
  128. Jacques-Augustin Robert de Lézardières
  129. Jacques-Alexandre Menuret
  130. Jacques Friteyre-Durvé
  131. Jacques Dufour
  132. Jacques de la Lande
  133. Henri-Jean Milet
  134. Henri-Hippolyte Ermès
  135. Henri-August Luzeau de la Mulonnière
  136. Guillaume-Antoine Delfaut
  137. Gilles-Louis-Symphorien Lanchon
  138. Gilbert-Jean Fautrel
  139. Georges-Jérôme Giroust
  140. Georges Girault
  141. Gaspard-Claude Maignien
  142. Gabriel Desprez de Roche
  143. François-Urbain Salins de Niart
  144. François-Louis Méallet de Fargues
  145. François-Louis Hébert
  146. François-Joseph Pey
  147. François-Joseph Monnier
  148. François-Joseph de la Rochefoucald-Maumont
  149. François-Hyacinthe lé Livec de Trésurin
  150. François-César Londiveau
  151. François Varheilhe-Duteil
  152. François Lefranc
  153. François Dumasrambaud de Calandelle
  154. François Dardan
  155. François Balmain
  156. Eustache Félix
  157. Étienne-Michel Gillet
  158. Étienne-François-Dieudonné de Ravinel
  159. Éloy Herque du Roule
  160. Denis-Claude Duval
  161. Daniel-Louis André Des Pommerayes
  162. Claude-Silvain-Raphaël Mayneaud de Bizefranc
  163. Claude-Louis Marmotant de Savigny
  164. Claude-François Gagnières des Granges
  165. Claude-Antoine-Raoul Laporte
  166. Claude Rousseau
  167. Claude Ponse
  168. Claude Fontaine
  169. Claude Colin
  170. Claude Chaudet
  171. Claude Cayx-Dumas
  172. Claude Bochot
  173. Charles-Victor Véret
  174. Charles-Regis-Mathieu de la Calmette de Valfons
  175. Charles-Louis Hurtrel
  176. Charles-Jéremie Bérauld du Pérou
  177. Charles-François le Gué
  178. Charles Carnus
  179. Bertrand-Antoine de Caupenne
  180. Bernard-François de Cucsac
  181. August-Dénis Nezel
  182. Armand-Anne-Auguste-Antonin-Sicaire Chapt de Rastignac
  183. Armand de Foucauld de Pontbriand
  184. Apollinaris of Posat
  185. Antoine-Mathieu-Augustin Nogier
  186. Antoine-Charles-Octavien du Bouzet
  187. Anne-Alexandre-Charles-Marie Lanfant
  188. André-Abel Alricy
  189. André Grasset de Saint-Sauveur
  190. Andé Angar
  191. Ambroise-Augustin Chevreux
Saints Whose Feast Day is September 2 - Catholic Saint of the Day
Saints Whose Feast Day is September 2 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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