Saint of the Day for August 5 2024

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Today is Friday, September 13, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is August 5 2024.

👉 Dedication of the Basilica of Saint Mary Major

Saint Oswald of Northumbria

Blessed Salvi Huix Miralpeix

Our Lady of the Snow

Saint Viator

Our Lady of Copacabana

Saint Emidius of Ascoli Piceno

Saint Margaret the Barefooted

Blessed Arnaldo Pons

Saint Abel of Rheims

Blessed Pierre-Michel Noël

Saint Venantius of Viviers

Saint Paris of Teano

Saint Memmius of Châlons-sur-Marne

Saint Nonna

Saint Addai

Saint Cassian of Autun

Saint Eusignius

St Eusignius was a career soldier in the army of Constantius Chlorus. After renouncing Christianity, Julian the Apostate ordered all his subjects to make a sacrifice to idols but Eusignius refused.

He was scourged, beheaded, and martyred in 362 AD in Antioch, Syria.

Saint Mari

St Mari was converted by Saint Addai and became his spiritual student. He became a missionary around Nisibis, Nineveh, and along the Euphrates.

He won many converts and is renowned as one of the great apostles of Syria and Persia. He destroyed many pagan temples and built churches, monasteries and convents. 

He died near Seleucia-Ctesiphion in the 2nd century AD.

Blessed Corrado of Laodicea

Blessed Corrado was also known as Conrad. He was a Mercedarian friar, Bishop of Laodicea, Syria and a zealous evangelist known as a miracle worker.

Saint Aggai

St Aggai was a royal jeweller to King Abgar the Black. After he was converted by Saint Addai, he succeeded him as a bishop and as an evangelist. He was the spiritual director of Saint Mari, whom he dispatched on missionary work.

He died as a martyr in the 2nd century AD.

Saint Gormeal of Ardoilen

Saint Gormeal of Ardoilen was also known as Gormcal or Gormgall. He was Irish-born and an Abbot at Ardoilen, Galway, Ireland. In 1016 AD, he died of natural causes.

Blessed James Gerius

Blessed James Gerius was born in 1312 AD and became a Camaldolese monk in Florence, Italy.

He was renowned for his devotion to the Sacred Will of God. He died in 1345 AD.

Saint Theodoric of Cambrai-Arras

Saint Theodoric was the Bishop of Cambrai-Arras, France from 830 AD to 863 AD. He died in 863 AD.

Saint Casto of Teano

St Casto of Teano was the Bishop of Teano, Italy. He is the patron saint of the diocese of Teano, Italy.

Saint Cantidianus

Saint Cantidianus was martyred in Egypt.

Saint Cantidius

Saint Cantidius was martyred in Egypt.

Saint Sobel

Saint Sobel was martyred in Egypt.

Martyrs of Fuente la Higuera

The martyrs of Fuente la Higuera are a group of Augustinian priests and clerics who were martyred together on August 5 1936 in Fuente la Higuera, Valencia, Spain during the Spanish Civil War.

On October 28 2007, they were beatified by Pope Benedict XVI.

Their names are;

• Anastasio Díez García
• Victor Gaitero González
• Ubaldo Revilla Rodríguez
• Luis Blanco Álvarez
• Luciano Ramos Villafruela
• Gabino Olaso Zabala
• Felipe Barba Chamorro
• Emilio Camino Noval
• Cipriano Polo García
• Ángel Pérez Santos

Martyrs of the Salarian Way

The Martyrs of the Salarian Way are the twenty-three Christians who were martyred together in 303 AD, on the Salarian Way in Rome, Italy during the persecutions of Diocletian.

Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War

These are the names of some of the thousands of people who were murdered from 1934 to 1939, during the anti-Catholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War. 

Their names are;

  1. Blessed Victor García Ceballos
  2. Blessed Maximino Fernández Marinas
  3. Blessed Manuel Moreno Martínez
  4. Blessed José Trallero Lou
  5. Blessed Jaume Codina Casellas
  6. Blessed Eduardo González Santo Domingo

Other Saints of the Day for August 5 2024

  1. Mary, Mother of Mercy
  2. Viator
  3. Vardan and Companions
  4. Francesco da Pesaro
  5. Corrado di Leodicea
Saints Whose Feast Day is August 5 - Catholic Saint of the Day
Saints Whose Feast Day is August 5 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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