This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is October 1 2024.
đ Saint ThĂ©rĂšse of Lisieux (St ThĂ©rĂšse of the Child Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of the Church)
Blessed Luigi Maria Monti
Blessed Juan de Palafox Mendoza
Blessed Cecilia Eusepi
Saint Bavo of Ghent
Saint Romanos the Melodist
Saint Nicetius of Trier
Blessed Edward James
Blessed Christopher Buxton
Blessed Florencia Caerols MartĂnez
Blessed Ralph Crockett
Blessed Carmelo Juan PĂ©rez RodrĂguez
Blessed Ălvaro SanjuĂĄn Canet
Blessed John Robinson
Blessed Antoni Rewera
Saint Piaton of Tournai
Blessed Robert Wilcox
Blessed Robert Widmerpool
Blessed Gaspar Fisogiro
Blessed Andrew Sushinda
Saint Wasnulf
Blessed Diego Botello and Blessed Ferdinando di Salcedo
Blessed Diego Botello and Blessed Ferdinando di Salcedo were Franciscan friars and missionaries in the Caribbean. In 1516, they were shot with arrows and martyred on the modern Haitian side of the island of Hispaniola.
Their bodies were eaten by the killers. Their heads and clothing were displayed as trophies.
Blessed Dominic of Villanova
Blessed Dominic of Villanova was a Mercedarian friar at the convent of Santa Maria di Montflorite in Aragon, Spain. He was a commander of his house and later a priest.
After his death, he was buried at the convent of Santa Maria di Montflorite in Aragon, Spain
Saint Verissimus of Lisbon
St Verissimus of Lisbon was martyred in 304 AD in Lisbon, Portugal together with his sisters Saint Julia of Lisbon and Saint Maxima of Lisbon during the persecution of Diocletian.
Saint Aizan of Abyssinia
St Aizan of Abyssinia was also known as Aizan of Ethiopia or Abreha. He was the brother of Saint Sazan and a friend of Saint Athanasius of Alexandria.
He was the chieftain in Abyssinia, now modern-day Ethiopia. He worked to spread Christianity in Africa.
Saint Maxima of Lisbon
St Maxima of Lisbon was martyred in 304 AD in Lisbon, Portugal together with her sister Saint Julia of Lisbon and brother Saint Verissimus of Lisbon during the persecution of Diocletian.
Saint Julia of Lisbon
St Julia of Lisbon was martyred with her brother Saint Verissimus of Lisbon and sister Saint Maxima of Lisbon in 304 AD in Lisbon, Portugal during the persecution of Diocletian.
Saint Sazan of Abyssinia
St Sazan of Abyssinia was the brother of Saint Aizan and a friend of Saint Athanasius of Alexandria. He was the chieftain in Abyssinia, now modern-day Ethiopia. He worked to spread Christianity in Africa.
Saint Aretas
St Aretas was also known as Arethas. He was martyred in Rome, Italy together with 504 other Christians.
Saint Fidharleus
After one of the many Viking raids, St Fidharleus restored the monastery of Rathlin Ireland, Ireland. He died in 762 AD.
Saint Crescens of Tomi
St Crescens of Tomi died as a martyr at Tomi now in modern-day Constanta, Romania.
Saint Evagrius
Saint Evagrius died as a martyr at Tomi now in modern-day Constanta, Romania.
Saint Priscus
Saint Priscus died as a martyr at Tomi now in modern-day Constanta, Romania.
Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War
These are the names of some of the thousands of people who were murdered from 1934 to 1939, during the anti-Catholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War.Â
Their names are;
- Blessed Higinio Mata DĂez
- Blessed Juan Mata DĂez
Other Saints of the Day for October 1 2024
- Holy Protection of the Mother of God

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