Saint of the Day for November 7 2024

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Today is Sunday, October 13, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is November 7 2024.

👉 Saint Engelbert of Cologne

Saint Peter Ou

Saint Willibrord of Echternach

Blessed Anthony Baldinucci

Saint Vincent Liêm

Saint Vincenzo Grossi

Saint Jacinto Castañeda Puchasóns

Saint Prosdocimus of Padua

Blessed Lucia of Settefonti

Saint Tremorus of Brittany

Saint Florentius of Strasbourg

Saint Gébétrude of Remiremont

Saint Ernest of Mecca

Saint Herculanus of Perugia

Saint Hieron of Mytilene

Blessed Lazarus the Stylite

Blessed Lazarus the Stylite set an example by turning his back on the world and living for prayer by living without shelter on top of a series of columns for many years. He often survived on bread and water.

He died in 1054 on Mount Galision near Ephesus, Asia Minor due to natural causes.

Saint Melasippus of Ancyra

St. Melasippus of Ancyra was also known as Melasippo. He was married to Saint Carina of Ancyra. He was the father of Saint Anthony of Ancyra.

He was martyred in the persecutions of Julian the Apostate. He died in the 4th century in Ancyra, Galatia.

Saint Carina of Ancyra

St. Carina of Ancyra was also known as Cassina. She was married to Saint Melassipus of Ancyra. She was the mother of Saint Anthony of Ancyra.

She was martyred in the persecutions of Julian the Apostate. She died in the 4th century in Ancyra, Galatia.

Saint Anthony of Ancyra

St. Anthony of Ancyra was the son of Saints Melasippus and Carina of Ancyra. He was martyred at age 13 in the persecutions of Julian the Apostate. He died in the 4th century in Ancyra, Galatia.

Saint Achillas

St. Achillas was a bishop of Alexandria in Egypt. He ordained Arius, the founder of the Arian heresy. He was attacked by Meletianists for his orthodox Christianity. He died in 313 due to natural causes.

Saint Hesychius of Mytilene

St. Hesychius of Mytilene was born in Armenia. He was martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian. He died in 300AD at Mytilene in Greece.

Saint Nicander of Mytilene

St. Nicander of Mytilene was born in Armenia. He was martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian. He died in 300AD at Mytilene in Greece.

Saint Amaranthus

St. Amaranthus was also known as Amaranto. He was a third-century martyr. He died at Vieux in France and his relics are in the Cathedral of Albi in France.

Saint Prosdocimus of Rieti

St. Prosdocimus of Rieti was born in the first century. He was the first evangelizing bishop of Rieti in Italy. He died in Rieti, Italy.

Saint Taurio of Amphipolis

St. Taurio of Amphipolis was also known as Taurion. He died as a Martyr in Amphipolis, Macedonia.

Saint Thessalonica of Amphipolis

St. Thessalonica of Amphipolis died as a Martyr in Amphipolis, Macedonia.

Saint Baud of Tours

St. Baud of Tous was also known as Baldo. He was a sixth-century bishop of Tours in France and was noted for his alms-giving.

Saint Raverranus of Séez

St. Raverranus of Séez was a bishop of Séez in France. He died in 682.

Saint Auctus of Amphipolis

St Auctus of Amphipolis died as a Martyr in Amphipolis in Macedonia.

Saint Congar

St. Congar was also known as Cungaro and was born in Wales. No reliable information about him is available.

Saint Blinlivet

 St. Blinlivet was also known as Blevileguetus. He was the ninth-century bishop of Vannes in France.

Saint Amarand

St. Amarand was an abbot of Moissac in France. He was the bishop of Albi in Italy. He died in 700 AD.

Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War

These are the names of some of the thousands of people who were murdered from 1934 to 1939, during the anti-Catholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War. 

Their names are;

  • Victoriano Reguero Velasco
  • Vicente Rodríguez Fernández
  • Serviliano Riaño Herrero
  • Manuel Marín Pérez
  • Juan Mendibelzúa Ocerín
  • José Vega Riaño
  • José Delgado Pérez
  • Gil Belascoain Ilagorri
  • Isabelino Carmona Fernández
  • Andrés Francisco Simón Gómez
  • Alfredo Fanjul Acebal

Other Saints of the Day for November 7 2024

  • Eleanor of Portugal
  • All Dominican Saints

Catholic Saint Feast Days in November

Catholic Saint of the Day

List of Saints Whose Feast Day is November 7 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is November 7 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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