Saint of the Day for July 5 2024

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Today is Sunday, March 30, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is July 5 2024.

👉 Saint Anthony Mary Zaccaria

Saint Febronia of Patti

Saint Athanasius the Athonite

Saint Domèce

Blessed George Nichols

Saint Marthe

Blessed Thomas Belson

Saint Zoe of Rome

Blessed Richard Yaxley

Blessed Elias of Bourdeilles

Blessed Joseph Boissel

Blessed Humphrey Pritchard

Blessed Patrick Cavanagh

Saint Rosa Chen Aijieh

Saint Teresia Chen Qingjieh

lessed Matthew Lambert

Blessed Edward Cheevers

Blessed Robert Meyler

Saint Thomas of Terreti

Saint Numerian of Treves

Saint Triphina of Brittany

St Triphina of Brittany was the mother of Saint Tremorus. After becoming a widow, she re-married and became the wife of Count Conmore of Brittany.

Tremorus was martyred by the count and Triphina decided to retire to a convent in Brittany. She died in the 6th century AD.

Saint Domitius of Phrygia

St Domitius of Phrygia was also known as Dometius. He was a Persian who converted to Christianity and became a Hermit at Nisibis, Mesopotamia. He was stoned to death in 362 AD and became a martyr for challenging Julian the Apostate.

Saint Athanasius of Jerusalem

St Athanasius was also known as Atanasio. He was a Deacon in Jerusalem. He denounced the heretic Theodosius who had deposed Saint Juvenal as bishop of Jerusalem.

He died as a martyr in 462 AD after he was arrested, scourged and beheaded for his support of orthodoxy and the decrees of the Council of Chalcedon.

Saint Probus of Cornwall

St Probus was born in Cornwall, England. He was the husband of Saint Grace of Cornwall.

During the renovation of the church named for them, relics (a male and a female skull) believed to be of the couple were found interred near the site of the altar.

St Probus is the patron saint of Probus, Cornwall and England

Saint Grace of Cornwall

St Grace of Cornwall was born in Cornwall, England. She was the wife of Saint Probus of Cornwall.

During the renovation of the church named for them, relics (male and a female skull) believed to be of the couple were found interred near the site of the altar.

St Grace of Cornwall is the patron saint of Probus, Cornwall and England

Saint Fragan

St Fragan was also known as Fracon. He was the husband of St Gwen and father of Saint Winwallus, Saint Jacut, and Saint Guithern.

In the 5th century, he was forced to flee Britain when the imperial Roman troops pulled out. Life became hard and unpredictable as Anglo-Saxon pagans came to reclaim their land. He travelled to Brittany in France and helped spread the faith there.

Saint Gwen

St Gwen was also known as Blanca or Blanche. She was the wife of Saint Fragan and mother of St Winwallus, St Jacut, and St Guithern.

In the 5th century, he was forced to flee Britain when the imperial Roman troops pulled out. Life became hard and unpredictable as Anglo-Saxon pagans came to reclaim their land. He travelled to Brittany in France and helped spread the faith there.

Saint Stephen of Reggio

St Stephen of Reggio was also known as Stephen of Nicaea. He was the first bishop of Reggio, Italy, after being ordained by Saint Paul the Apostle in the 1st century.

He died in Reggio Calabria, Italy after being martyred in the persecutions of Nero. He is the patron saint of Reggio Emilia, Italy.

Saint Edana of West Ireland

St Edana of West Ireland was also known as Edaene or Etaoin. She was an Irish-born Holy Virgin who lived near the rivers Boyle and Shannon.

A holy well is named after her, as are some parishes in western Ireland.

Saint Modwenna

St Modwenna was also known as Edna or Modwen. She was a 9th-century Irish princess who became a nun after giving up her princess status and all her wealth. She is renowned for her miracles and sanctity.

Saint Cyrilla of Cyrene

St Cyrilla of Cyrene was also known as Ciprilla. She was an elderly widow who, after refusing to sacrifice to idols, was arrested, tortured and martyred in the Diocletian persecutions in 300 AD.

Saint Mars of Nantes

St Mars was a sixth-century bishop of Nantes, France. He is the patron saint of

  • Saint-Mars-la-Jaille, France
  • Saint-Mars-du-Désert, France
  • Saint-Mars-de-Coutais, France
  • Petit-Mars, France

Saint Erfyl

St Erfyl was also known as Eurfyl or Euerfyl. She was a virgin, born in the British Isles, who founded the church of Llanerfyl, Montgomeryshire, Wales. She is the patron saint of Llanerfyl and Wales

Saint Philomena of San Severino

St Philomena was a virgin of San Severino, Italy. She died in 500 AD

Saint Cyprille of Libya

St Cyprille of Libya was also known as Cypria He was tortured and martyred in the Diocletian persecutions in the early 4th century in Libya.

Saint Cast

St Cast was also known as Kast. He was born in 522 AD in Ireland. He became a monk in 6th century in Ireland and was a spiritual student of Saint Jagut.

Saint Triphina of Sicily

St Triphina was born in Sicily and died as a martyr in 306 AD.

Saint Agatho of Sicily

St Agatho was born in Sicily and died as a martyr in 306 AD.

Saint Theodotus of Tomi

St Theodotus of Tomi died as a martyr in Tomi, Scythia in modern Romania

Saint Sedolpha of Tomi

St Sedolpha died as a martyr in Tomi, Scythia in modern Romania

Saint Marinus of Tomi

St Marinus of Tomi died as a martyr in Tomi, Scythia in modern Romania

Other Saints of the Day for July 5 2024

• Modwenna of Whitby
• Modwenna of Trensall
• Mary’s Seven Joys
• Margaret of Austria
• Frederick Garcia
• Eberhard Villers

List of Saints Whose Feast Day is July 5 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is July 5 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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