Saint of the Day for December 4 2024

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Today is Friday, February 28, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is December 4 2024.

👉 Saint John Damascene, Priest and Doctor of the Church

Saint Barbara

Blessed Adolph Kolping

Saint Osmund

Saint Anno II

Blessed Pietro Tecelano

Saint Giovanni Calabria

Saint Sigiranus

Saint Clement of Alexandria

Blessed Jerome de Angelis

Saint Sola

Blessed Francis Galvez

Saint Bernardo degli Uberti

Saint Ada of Le Mans

Saint Maruthas

Saint Adelmann of Beauvais

Saint John the Wonder Worke

Blessed Simon Yempo

Saint Heraclas of Alexandria

St Heraclas of Alexandria was born in Egyptian and later died of natural causes in 247 AD.

He was a brother of St Plutarch of Alexandria, a spiritual student of Origen, and also a patriarch of Alexandria in 231 AD.

He succeeded in Origen as the head of the catechetical school at Alexandria, Egypt.

Saint Theophanes

St Theophanes was tortured to death in 815 AD. He was a martyr and also an officer in the Byzantine imperial court of Leo the Armenian.

He was arrested with three other officers for treason because they opposed Leo’s Iconoclasm.

The others survived the torture and imprisonment and became monks, but Theophanes did not.

Saint Melitus of Pontus

St Melitus of Pontus, also known as Meletus or Meletius, died in 295 AD. He was a late 3rd-century bishop in Pontus (in modern Turkey); known as an eloquent speaker.

He was frequently abused for his faith during the persecutions of Diocletian, but there are no records of him being a martyr.

Saint Bertoara

St Bertoara died of natural causes in 614 AD at Notre-Dame-de Sales, Bourges, France.

She was an abbess of the Columbanian house of Notre Dame de Sales, Bourges, France from 612 AD until her death.

Saint Felix of Bologna

St Felix of Bologna died of natural causes in 429 AD.

He was a spiritual student of and deacon for St Ambrose of Milan and also a bishop of Bologna, Italy.

Saint Apro

St Apro, also known as Apri, died in the 7th century in Lyons, Gaul (modern France).

He was a priest and also a hermit.

Saint Cyran of Brenne

St Cyran of Brenne was a seventh-century hermit in the forests of Brenne, France.

Saint Christianus

St Christianus was a martyr.

Saint Eraclius

St Eraclius was a martyr.

Saint Prudens

St Prudens was a martyr.

Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War

These are the names of some of the thousands of people who were murdered from 1934 to 1939, during the anti-Catholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War. 

Their names are;

  • Blessed Robustiano Mata Ubierna
  • Blessed Jacinto García Chicote
  • Blessed Francisco de la Vega González
  • Blessed Ezequiel Álvaro de La Fuente
  • Blessed Eulogio Álvarez López

Catholic Saint Feast Days in December

Catholic Saint of the Day

List of Saints Whose Feast Day is December 4 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is December 4 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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