St Columba Catholic Church Dothan, Alabama, USA

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Today is Wednesday, March 5, 2025

St Columba Catholic Church, Dothan, Alabama – Address, Contacts, Location, Mass Schedules, Confession Hours, Telephone Number, Adoration Schedule, Google Map/Coordinates

St Columba Catholic Church is located in 2700 W. Main St., Dothan and belongs to the Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama 36301, United States of America (USA).

The table below gives the fine details of

St Columba Catholic Church Dothan

Street Address

2700 W. Main St.
Dothan, Alabama 36301, United States of America (USA)

Phone Number: 334-793-5802
Email Address:

Diocese Belongs to the Diocese of Birmingham
Google Map Coordinates 31.229400, -85.429457

St Columba Catholic Church Dothan Mass Schedule

Saturday Anticipated: 5:30 pm

Sunday: 10:00am, 5:00pm (English) 4:00pm (Spanish)

Daily Mass: Monday – Saturday – 9:00 am

St Columba Catholic Church Dothan Parish Office Days and Hours

Pending update

Parish Confession Days and Time

Friday 9:30 am, Saturday 4:00-5:15 pm,
Saturday 6:30 pm
call the parish office to schedule an appointment for confession outside the scheduled times.

St Columba Catholic Church Dothan Chapel Adoration Schedule

Mondays 9:45 am until 8:30 pm

Parish Short History

Dothan was first mentioned in the Catholic Directory in 1898 as a mission of Eufaula. However, Dothan was not mentioned again for several years, even though it was the fastest growing town in Southeast Alabama by 1900. A priest from Eufaula would visit Dothan four times a year, along with infrequent visits from priests from as far away as Birmingham. Mass was celebrated in the Murray home on East Main Street.

In 1912 Martin Conner, a generous Catholic from Troy, died and left a large estate to the Diocese. Bishop Allen, the Bishop of the Diocese at that time, used the money to purchase land in Dothan for a church. St. Columba was built in 1914 –a white framed structure on the northwest corner of the intersection of Main and Oates Streets. There were about fifteen members.

In 1941, a new brick church was built at 501 West Main Street. In 1954 ten acres of land were purchased at the site of the present church by Monsignor Jewels Keating, the pastor at the time. In 1963, the third church, now St Columba Chapel, was built. Also at that time, the rectory and small parish hall were completed while Father William Jones was pastor. Since then, classrooms have been added at different times, and O'Hara Hall, named after former pastor, Monsignor John O'Hara was built. Later additions were the preschool building and the church office building, completed by Monsignor Patrick O'Conner.

In 1999 the Boucher Activities Center was completed under Father Patrick Gallagher. After several years of planning and steadfast work, the present church was completed and dedicated on December 14, 2007. This was also under the direction of Father Patrick Gallagher.

Parish Google Map

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