St. Elias Catholic Church, Birmingham, Alabama – Address, Contacts
St. Elias Catholic Church is located in 836 8th St S, Birmingham and belongs to the Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama 35205-4567, United States of America (USA).
Street Address: 836 8th St S
Diocese | Belongs to the Diocese of Birmingham |
Google Map Coordinates | 33.495777, -86.815600 |
St. Elias Catholic Church Birmingham Mass Schedule
Monday to Friday- 8:00 a.m
Saturday- 5:00 p.m
Sunday- 8:00 a.m and 10:30 a.m
St. Elias Catholic Church Birmingham Parish Office Days and Hours
Pending updates
Parish Confession Days and Time
Saturday- (4:00 p.m -5: 00 p.m )or any time upon request
St. Elias Catholic Church Birmingham Chapel Adoration Schedule
1st Friday- (9:00 .-5:00 p.m)
Parish Short History
Saint Elias Maronite Catholic Church was established in 1910 in order to serve a growing population of people (primarily from what is now the country of Lebanon and others from the Middle East countries) who had immigrated to Birmingham.
The church belongs to the Maronite Rite, which evolved from the Antiochene Tradition of Catholicism. The patron saint of the church is St. Elias (or Elijah, the Old-Testament prophet) who is depicted in the stained glass window behind the altar.
Maronite Catholics practice their ancestral Rite, yet maintain the same essentials as other Rites of the Roman Catholic Church and has consistently maintained its bonds with Rome and the Holy See.
The Maronites have their own Patriarch and Bishops and ancient traditions which include the use of Aramaic (the language of Christ) in its liturgy.
There was no church in Birmingham in which these Catholics could worship God according to their Rite and these rich traditions.
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