This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is August 13 2024.
π Saint Pontian, Pope
Saint Maximus the Confessor
Saint John Berchmans
Saint Radegunde
Blessed Mark of Aviano
Blessed Jakob Gapp
Saint Wigbert of Fritzlar
Saint Benildus
Saint Cassian of Imola
Blessed Juan Agramunt y Riera
Blessed Pierre Gabilhaud
Blessed Gertrude of Altenberg
Saint Herulph of Langres
Blessed William Freeman
Saint Nerses Glaietsi
Saint Radegund
St Radegund was a poor servant girl in the 13th century in Augsburg, Germany who made a personal vow of devotion to God.
She was known for her piety and charity to those even poorer than herself. She developed a ministry to lepers and other outcasts in her rural area.
One day while on her way to care for some sick people, she was attacked by wolves and died.
Saint Antiochus of Lyons
St Antiochus was also known as Andeol of Lyon. He became a priest and was assigned a task of convincing Saint Justus of Lyon to come back to France after he had left to become a hermit in Egypt.
He did not succeed, but on returning home, Antiochus was chosen as the new bishop of Lyons. He died in the 5th century AD.
Saint Anastasius the Priest
Saint Anastasius was a Priest and a Papal legate. He was a friend and spiritual student of Saint Acacius.
He was imprisoned and exiled for failure to adopt the Monothelite heresy.
In 662 AD, he died as a martyr from the abuse suffered while imprisoned.
Saint Concordia of Rome
St Concordia was beheaded outside Rome, Italy and died as a martyr. She is the patron saint of nursing mothers and wet nurses.
Saint Anastasius the Monk
St Anastasius the Monk was a friend and spiritual student of Saint Acacius. He was imprisoned and exiled for failure to adopt the Monothelite heresy.
In 662 AD, he died as a martyr from the abuse suffered while imprisoned.
Saint Helen of Burgos
St Helen of Burgos was also known as Helena. She was a nun and martyr who died in 304 AD at Burgos, Spain.
Saint Cassian of Todi
St Cassian of Todi was a fourth-century convert who was brought to the faith by Saint Pontian of Todi.
He became the Bishop of Todi, Italy and was martyred during the persecutions of Maximian Herculeus. His relics are in Todi, Italy.
Saint Junian of MairΓ©
Saint Junian founded the monastery in MairΓ©, France. Later in life, he retired to Chaulnay, France to live as a hermit. He died in 587 AD.
Saint Ludolf
St Ludolf was also known as Ludolph. From 971 AD to 983 AD, he was the Abbot of New Corvey Abbey in Westphalia, Germany. He died in 983 AD.
Martyred Claretians of Barbastro
The Martyred Claretians of Barbastro were murdered from August 2 through August 18 1936, in Barbastro, Huesca, Spain
On October 25 1992, they were beatified by Pope John Paul II.
Their names are;
- Blessed Wenceslau ClarΓs Vilaregut
- Blessed TomΓ s Capdevila MirΓ³
- Blessed Teodoro Ruiz de Larrinaga GarcΓa
- Blessed Secundino Ortega GarcΓa
- Blessed SebastiΓ‘n Calvo MartΓnez
- Blessed SebastiΓ Riera Coromina
- Blessed Salvador Pigem Serra
- Blessed Ramon Novich Rabionet
- Blessed Ramon Illa Salvia
- Blessed Rafael Briega Morales
- Blessed Pere Cunill PadrΓ³s
- Blessed Pedro GarcΓa Bernal
- Blessed Nicasio Sierra Ucar
- Blessed Miquel Masip GonzΓ‘lez
- Blessed Manuel Torras Sais
- Blessed Manuel MartΓnez Jarauta
- Blessed Manuel Buil Lalueza
- Blessed LluΓs Masferrer Vila
- Blessed LluΓs LladΓ³ Teixidor
- Blessed LluΓs EscalΓ© Binefa
- Blessed Leoncio PΓ©rez Ramos
- Blessed Juan SΓ‘nchez MunΓ‘rriz
- Blessed Juan Echarri Vique
- Blessed Juan DΓaz Nosti
- Blessed Josep Ros Florensa
- Blessed Josep Ormo SerΓ³
- Blessed Josep Maria BadΓa Mateu
- Blessed JosΓ© PavΓ³n Bueno
- Blessed JosΓ© Figuero BeltrΓ‘n
- Blessed JosΓ© Blasco Juan
- Blessed JosΓ© AmorΓ³s HernΓ‘ndez
- Blessed Joan Codinachs Tuneu
- Blessed Joan Baixeras Berenguer
- Blessed Jaume Falgarona Vilanova
- Blessed Hilario Llorente MartΓn
- Blessed Gregorio Chirivas Lacamba
- Blessed Francisco CastΓ‘n Meseguer
- Blessed Francesc Roura FarrΓ³
- Blessed Felipe de JesΓΊs MunΓ‘rriz Azcona
- Blessed Eusebi Maria Codina MillΓ
- Blessed Esteve Casadevall Puig
- Blessed Eduardo Ripoll Diego
- Blessed Atanasio Vidaurreta Labra
- Blessed Antoni Dalmau Rosich
- Blessed AntolΓn Calvo y Calvo
- Blessed Alfons Sorribes TeixidΓ³
- Blessed Alfons Miquel Garriga
- Blessed AgustΓn Viela Ezcurdia
Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War
These are the names of some of the thousands of people who were murdered from 1934 to 1939, during the anti-Catholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War.Β
Their names are;
- Blessed Silvestre Arnau y Pascuet
- Blessed Pedro Martret y Molet
- Blessed Pascual AraguΓ s y GuΓ rdia
- Blessed Modesto GarcΓa MartΓ
- Blessed Mateo DespΓ³ns Tena
- Blessed Maria de PuiggraciΓ³s Badia Flaquer
- Blessed Luciano HernΓ‘ndez RamΓrez
- Blessed Josep Alsina Casas
- Blessed Jose TΓ pies y Sirvant
- Blessed JosΓ© Juan Perot y Juanmarti
- Blessed JosΓ© Bonet Nadal
- Blessed JosΓ© Boher y Foix
- Blessed Inocencio GarcΓa DΓez
- Blessed Francesc Castells Areny
Other Saints of the Day for August 13 2024
- Zwentibold
- William Freeman
- Simone de Lara Martiri
- Pietro di Santa Maria
- Patrick OβHealy
- Our Lady, Refuge of Sinners
- Irene of Hungary
- Connor OβRourke

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