St Maurice Catholic Church Brewton, Alabama,USA

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Today is Tuesday, March 11, 2025

St Maurice Catholic Church, Brewton, Alabama – Address, Contacts, Location

St Maurice Catholic Church is located in 220 East Jackson Street, Brewton and belongs to the Archdiocese of Mobile in Alabama 36426, United States of America (USA).



The table below gives the fine details of



St Maurice Catholic Church Brewton
Street Address: 220 East Jackson Street
Brewton, Alabama 36426, United States of America (USA)

Phone Number: (251) 867-5189
Email Address:
Archdiocese Belongs to the Archdiocese of Mobile
Google Map Coordinates 31.120797, -87.067179


St Maurice Catholic Church Brewton Mass Schedule

Tuesday and Thursday-  6:00 PM
Wednesday and  Friday-  8:30 AM
Saturday-  6:00 PM
Sunday- 8:30 AM
3rd Sunday of the Month Hispanic Mass – 11:00 AM


St Maurice Catholic Church Brewton Parish Office Days and Hours

Pending update


Parish Confession Days and Time

Saturday – ( 05:00 PM – 05:30 PM)


St Maurice Catholic Church Brewton Chapel Adoration Schedule

Pending update


Parish Short History

St Maurice Catholic church Brewton’s patron saint is saint Maurice who was born in 250 A.D. in Thebes, an ancient city in Egypt near the site of the Aswan Dam.

He was an acknowledged Christian at a time when the Church was considered to be a threat to the crumbling Roman empire. Yet , he moved easily in the pagan society of his day.

He was a good soldier and a born leader. The emperor Probus commissioned him to select and command a full Roman legion. His legion , the Theban Legion , was made up of 6,600 men. Most of them were Christians.

The Theban Legion was a crack Battalion. It displayed exceptional intelligence, discipline and valor. Maurice was their leader in the truest sense. He was totally committed to God, was concerned with the spiritual and the temporal welfare of his men. He worked, engaged in play and prayed with them. He rejoiced in their victories and suffered with each loss. They were a military family.

In 284 A.D. Diocletian became Emperor and divided the empire. He chose a soldier named Maximian to rule the west from Milan. Besieged at Martigny by nomadic tribes from the north, Maximian sent an appeal for reinforcement.

The Theban Legion was dispatched with orders to clear the St. Bernard Pass across Mt. Blanc. They were ordered to clear the pass by ruthlessly pillaging and brutally massacring those who resisted. Before going into battle, they were instructed to offer sacrifices to the pagan gods and pay homage to the emperor.

Maurice pledged his men’s military allegiance to Rome. He stated that service to God superseded all else. To engage in wanton slaughter was inconceivable to Christian soldiers he said. He and his men refused to worship Roman gods. Enraged by such in subordination and convinced by his soothsayers that the Christians were responsible for the reverses for the war ; Diocletian ordered the execution of the entire Theban Legion.

On September 22, 286 AD. 6600 “conscientious objectors” chose martyrdom and glorification following the example of their leader, St. Maurice.


St Maurice Catholic Church Brewton, Alabama,USA

The parish represents around 53 families from the greater Brewton area, made up of a mixture of people. Some of the parishioners have grown up there and some have moved there and work at the local industries in the greater Brewton area.


Parish Google Map

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