St Michael’s The Arch-Angel Catholic Church Auburn, Alabama Address, Contacts, Location, Mass Schedules

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St Michael’s The Arch-Angel Catholic Church, Auburn, Alabama – Confession Hours, Telephone Number, Adoration Schedule, Google Map/Coordinates

St Michael’s The Arch-Angel Catholic Church is located in 1100 N College Street, Auburn and belongs to the Archdiocese of Mobile in Alabama 36830, United States of America (USA).

The table below gives the fine details of

St Michael’s The Arch-Angel Catholic Church Auburn

Street Address

1100 N College Street
Auburn, Alabama 36830, United States of America (USA)

Phone Number: +1 334-887-5540
Email Address:

Archdiocese Belongs to the Archdiocese of Mobile
Google Map Coordinates 32.628232, -85.479668

St Michael’s The Arch-Angel Catholic Church Auburn Mass Schedule

Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM
Sunday Morning: 7:45 AM and 10:30 AM
Sunday Evening: 5:00 PM and 8:00 PM
Daily Mass
Monday:12:10 PM
Tuesday:8:00 AM
Tuesday:9:00 PM (at the Catholic Student Center)
Wednesday:6:30 AM
Wednesday:8:00 AM
Thursday: 8:00 AM
Thursday: 6:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM
Friday: 12:10 PM

Parish Confession Days and Time

Tuesdays 6:00-6:45 pm and Saturday from 8:00-9:00 am

Parish Short History

In 1910, Bishop Edward P. Allen of Mobile asked ministers from the Vincentian Community in Philadelphia to come to East Alabama to support one hundred and fifty Catholics spread over a ten district region. The children on St. Vincent de Paul, whose early beginnings were sum the country poor, acknowledged this work. Opelika, at that point a railroad focus, turned into their first home, and for a long time from that point clerics drove to Auburn. The Vincentians manufactured the primary Catholic Church in Auburn in 1912. Named Sacred Heart, the congregation served its little enrollment for more than three decades.
In 1952, Father Patrick Doran, C.M. leased a condo specifically over the road from the First Presbyterian Church and turned into the principal occupant minister. With development happening after World War II, Fr. Doran purchased as a parsonage an old motel named Carr Hall, on what is presently the parking garage opposite Tiger Rags store. At the point when the Blake home was bought in 1961, Fr. Joseph Konen, C.M., sold the Gay Street habitation so as to unite the area’s funds and to continue with the erection of another congregation in the round. It was then that Bishop Toolen authoritatively changed the ward name to St. Michael the Archangel.
In 1953, Fr. Joseph Kennedy, C.M. begun the St. Martin de Porres Mission Chapel, Day Care Center and Thrift Shop in the area situated among Donahue and Boykin Streets. Families from that zone progressed toward becoming individuals from St. Michael’s the point at which the mission church was shut. The day care focus wound up known as Joyland in 1974, under the sponsorship of St. Michael’s Church.
In the last 1970s Sisters from the Missionary Servants of the Blessed Trinity came to serve at St. Michael’s. Following the Missionary Servants, The Daughters of Charity served here for a long time. In 1992 the Missionary Servants came back to St. Michael’s and remained until 1998.
In 1983, an enormously required multi-reason office, theater, kitchen, religious circle, parsonage, workplaces and classrooms were assembled and opened in 1988.
On December 6, 2009, Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi devoted our present area on North College Street. St. Michael’s currently number roughly 950 enrolled families.
At Auburn University no less than 2,000 Catholic understudies are enlisted. In 2009, Auburn+Catholic Campus Ministry opened its entryways on Mitcham Avenue.
Our one of a kind blend of inhabitant families and understudies, all sharing space under one rooftop, guarantees a brilliant future for the Church in Auburn.

Parish Google Map

St Michael Catholic church Auburn Alabama
St Michael catholic church Auburn Alabama

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