St Micheal Catholic Church, Coden, Alabama – Address, Contacts
St Micheal Catholic Church is located in 15872 Heron Bay Loop Rd. E, Coden and belongs to the Archdiocese of Mobile in Alabama 36523, United States of America (USA).
Street Address: 15872 Heron Bay Loop Rd. E
Archdiocese | Belongs to the Archdiocese of Mobile |
Google Map Coordinates | 30.392686, -88.239444 |
St Micheal Catholic Church Coden Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil Mass- 4:00 pm
Sunday Mass- 9:30 a.m
Tuesday and Thursday- 9:00 am
St Micheal Catholic Church Coden Parish Office Days and Hours
Pending update
Parish Confession Days and Time
30 minutes before Saturday Vigil and Wednesday Evenings from 6-7 pm.
St Micheal Catholic Church Coden Chapel Adoration Schedule
Wednesday Evenings from 600 pm – 8:00 pm
Parish Short History
Pending update

Parish Google Map
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