April 17 2025: Bible Verse of the Day – Holy Thursday of the Lord’s Supper – John 13:1-15
14 If I, therefore, the master and teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash one another’s feet. 15 I have given you a model to follow, so that as I have done for you, you should also do.” – John 13:1-15
Catholic Readings for Today
Holy Thursday of the Lord’s Supper
Holy Thursday of the Lord’s Supper Reflections
Today marks the start of the Triduum, which consists of three significant celebrations in the Catholic faith.
While there are many other celebrations observed throughout the year, these three are considered the core of our faith and represent the pinnacle of our worship.
Today marks the commencement of the celebration of the Lord’s most precious gift of the Holy Eucharist, which was bestowed through the priesthood that He established.
Tomorrow, we delve into the mystery of His Crucifixion, and on Saturday after sunset, we rejoice in the triumph of His Resurrection.
On Holy Thursday evening, we begin the Triduum with the commemoration of the Last Supper. This event in history, which took place as a Passover meal shared with Jesus and His Apostles, begins the gift that brings us salvation.
From Jesus’ act of washing his disciples’ feet, we can derive several lessons, the foremost being the value of humility.
By washing his disciples’ feet, an action usually performed by servants, Jesus highlights the significance of humility.
He teaches his disciples that they too should wash each other’s feet, as he has done, even though he is their teacher and Lord.
Another lesson that Jesus teaches through his act is the importance of love. He emphasizes that love is the basis of service, instructing his disciples to love one another just as he has loved them.
Jesus asserts that by expressing love towards one another, people will recognize them as his disciples.
Another lesson is the significance of service. He underscores the value of serving others, even if it requires prioritizing their needs over our own.
Jesus conveys this message by stating, “I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you.” In essence, we should be prepared to serve others in any capacity we can.
Yet another lesson is the significance of unity. He emphasizes the importance of his followers being united and working together.
By loving and serving one another, they can maintain their unity and be a powerful testimony to the world.
Jesus teaches us the importance of sacrifice in genuine service. He underscores that true service frequently demands sacrifice, and he himself was willing to give his life for his friends.
Jesus challenges his disciples to do the same and affirms that laying down one’s life for one’s friends is the greatest expression of love. In his words, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”
On Holy Thursday, we are reminded of the first time the Lord proclaimed, “This is my body that is for you.”
This declaration points to the Holy Eucharist as a precious gift that He bestowed upon us, intending to aid us in attaining holiness and fulfilment.
The magnitude of this gift is beyond our ability to comprehend, as it represents the Lord’s complete selflessness and sacrificial love.
It is indeed unfortunate that we often fail to fully comprehend the significance of the Eucharist. This sacred and invaluable gift is nothing less than the very presence of God in our world, and it is granted to us to effect a transformation within us such that we become one with that which we consume.
The transformative power of the Eucharist is such that it renders us Christlike in a tangible sense.
By consuming the Holy Eucharist, we are enveloped in the divine essence of the Most Holy Trinity and assimilated into God’s very being.
We are rendered one with God and bestowed with the sustenance of everlasting life.
The Eucharist has the power to instil within us a deep sense of humility, leading us to become true servants of God.
We are called to serve others with humility, recognizing that this service can take on many different forms, but that it is an essential aspect of our calling.
Are you engaged in serving those around you? Do you demonstrate humility by tending to their fundamental necessities? Do your actions reflect your love for them?
These questions are at the core of Holy Thursday, as humble service is an exquisite way of expressing our profound connection with Jesus Christ.
In contemporary society, the notion of “greatness” is frequently misconstrued. We tend to equate greatness with worldly success and the esteem of others, striving to receive their adoration and recognition for our achievements. However, Jesus’ teachings present an alternate perspective on greatness.
On Holy Thursday, Jesus demonstrates that authentic greatness resides in humble service. To emulate His example, we must renounce our pride, which is facilitated by serving those who are below us in social rankings especially the sick, poor, and the hungry.
Take some time to reflect tonight on whether or not you are following the humble example of our Lord.
Are you dedicated to seeking opportunities to serve others and demonstrate your love and concern for them?
Allow Holy Thursday to change you from within so that you can emulate the profound love that Jesus bestowed upon us on this momentous night.
Let us Pray, Dear Lord, May I comprehend the essence of being a servant, and may I exhibit this humility in my deeds. I beseech You, Lord, to let Your most Holy Body and Blood bestow upon me the metamorphosis into the individual You intend me to become. Jesus, I love You. Amen.
Bible Verse of the Day in Pictures

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