May 3 2024: Bible Verse of the Day – Feast of Saints Philip and James, Apostles, Saturday of the Fourth Week of Easter – Whoever Has Seen Me Has Seen The Father – John 14:7-14
9 Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you for so long a time and you still do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?
10 Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I speak to you I do not speak on my own. The Father who dwells in me is doing his works.
11 Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me, or else, believe because of the works themselves. – John 14:7-14
Catholic Readings For Today
Saturday of the Fourth Week of Easter
Feast of Saints Philip and James, Apostles
Today’s Bible Verse of the Day Reflections
Jesus’ words, as mentioned before, indicate the deep connection He shares with His Father. Their unity is so strong that the words spoken by Jesus are also the words of the Father. The Gospel of John frequently uses this language to emphasize their perfect unity.
Although there are many things we could discuss about the unity of the Father and the Son, it is important to remember that Jesus’ words should also be reflected in our own speech.
It is a great privilege to be able to say that we do not speak on our own, but that the Father speaks through us. This should be our ongoing aim.
Admittingly, if we rely on our own intelligence and ideas while communicating with others, we should also acknowledge that our words will not carry the same level of authority.
Though it can be difficult to accept, we may develop the perception that our opinions are always correct and that others must heed our advice.
Conversely, if we can speak words that are rooted in the Father’s will, words that are an expression of His love and truth, we will come to realize the profound impact those words can have in the lives of others.
It’s important to remember that our words carry weight and we should be mindful of what we say and how we say it.
When we let the Father speak through us, our words gain a new sense of strength and authority. They transform into God’s own words that can bring about meaningful changes in the lives of those who hear them.
Take some time to think about the words you use every day. If you find yourself unsure of what to say or how to say it, consider praying for the gift of only speaking the words that the Father gives you to say.
Trust that if you do this, God will speak through you and give your words power and conviction.
Let us Pray: Lord, please give me the words to speak that come directly from You. Help me to turn to You in my heart with confidence, so that You become the source of all truth and goodness in my life.
May Your truth and goodness shine through me each day. Jesus, I love you. Amen.
Bible Verse of the Day in Pictures

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