You Are The Son of God – Mark 3:7-12

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Today is Friday, March 28, 2025

January 23 2025: Bible Verse of the Day – You Are The Son of God – Mark 3:7-12 – Thursday of the Second Week in Ordinary Time

And whenever unclean spirits saw him they would fall down before him and shout, “You are the Son of God.” He warned them sternly not to make him known – Mark 3:7-12

Catholic Readings For Today

Thursday of the Second Week in Ordinary Time, Year 1

Thursday of the Second Week in Ordinary Time, Year 2

Today’s Morning Prayer

Today’s Bible Verse of the Day Reflections

In this passage, Jesus rebukes the unclean spirits and commands them to refrain from making Him known to others. Why does He do this?

In this passage, Jesus commands the unclean spirits to remain silent because their testimony to the truth of who Jesus is cannot be trusted. They cannot be trusted.

The key thing to understand here is that the demons often deceive others by speaking some truth in a slightly erroneous way. They mix the truth with error. Therefore, they are not worthy of speaking any truth about Jesus.

This should give us insight into the proclamation of the Gospel in general. There are many whom we hear preach the Gospel, but not everything we hear or read is fully trustworthy. There are countless opinions, advice givers, and preachers in our world today.

Sometimes the preacher will say something quite true but then will knowingly or unknowingly mix that truth with small errors. This does great damage and leads many astray.

So the first thing we should take from this passage is that we must always listen carefully to what is preached and try to discern whether or not what is said is fully in union with what Jesus has revealed.

This is the main reason we should always rely upon the preaching of Jesus as it is revealed through our Church.

Jesus guarantees that His truth is spoken through His Church. Therefore, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the lives of the saints, and the wisdom of the Holy Father and bishops must always be used as a basis for all we listen to and preach to ourselves.

Reflect, today, upon how completely you trust our Church. Sure, our Church is filled with sinners; we are all sinners.

But our Church is also filled with the fullness of the truth and you must enter into a deep trust of all that Jesus has and continues to reveal to you through His Church.

Offer a prayer of gratitude this day for the Church’s teaching authority and recommit yourself to a full acceptance of that authority.

Prayer: Lord, I thank You for the gift of Your Church. Today, I especially thank You for the gift of the clear and authoritative teaching that comes to me through the Church. May I always trust in this authority and offer a full submission of my mind and will to all You have revealed, especially through our Holy Father and the saints. Jesus, I love You. Amen.

Bible Verse of the Day in Pictures

You are the Son of God - Mark 3:7-12 - Bible Verse of the Day
You are the Son of God – Mark 3:7-12 – Bible Verse of the Day

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About Laban Thua Gachie 10960 Articles
The founder of is Laban Thua Gachie. I am a Commissioned Lector, a commissioned Liturgy Minister, and a Commissioned member of the Catholic Men Association. We at Catholic Daily Readings, operate the, a Catholic Church-related website and we pride ourself in providing you, on a daily basis the following; 1. Catholic Daily Mass Readings 2. Reflections on those Daily Readings 3. Daily prayers 4. Bible Verse of the Day 5. Saint of the Day